Chapter 132: Voyage of the Damned

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"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." -- Albert Pine


As they walked ever closer to deck thirty-one, the Doctor immediately took the opportunity to speak his nervous mind. "You are the only creature in the entire multiverse that I love. I didn't think she would do that. I'm so--" then was interrupted.

"I'm not cross with you, it's Astrid. You didn't do anything wrong. She's a child and she learned her lesson, time to move on. You see, I won't ever let you go. It's just as I told her. You are mine." she clarified possessively.

His smile grew with relief as he pulled her close. "Yes, I am. And that will never change." Moments later, they entered and arrived at deck thirty-one. A place that seemed to be quite messy. "Wow. Now that is what you call a fixer upper. Come on then, Host with the most. This ultimate authority of yours. Who is it?" he practically taunted. On cue, a Host opened a pair of doors that revealed what they were looking for. "Oh, that's clever. That's an omnistate impact chamber. Indestructible. You can survive anything in there. Sit through a supernova. Or a shipwreck. Not just anyone can have the power and the money to hide themselves on board like this; and I should know, seeing as I have Echo." he rambled as the authority figure came into view.

From out of the chamber came a large device with small wheels and a head attached to the machinery. "My name is Max." it said with a smile, his gold tooth literally glinting in the light.

Echo's eyes widened in surprise. "So it really does do that. Weird." she commented absently.

"Who the hell are they?" the cyborg demanded of the present Host.

He smiled, "I'm the Doctor, this is my dearest Echo. Hello." he introduced in a feigned friendly manner.

"Information. Stowaways."

Without hesitation or consideration, Max gave his decision of their fate. "Kill them."

The ready Time Lord then quickly jumped in. "No, no, no, no, no. Wait, but you can't. Not now. Come on, Max. You've given me so much good material like, how to get ahead in business. See? Head? Head in business? No?"

After a moment of silence, the living machine began to laugh. "Oh, ho, ho, the office joker. I like a funny man. No one's been funny with me for years." he said joyously, genuinely happy with the extremely rare occurrence.

"I can't possibly imagine why." Echo muttered sarcastically, not caring if she had been heard.

"A hundred and seventy-six years of running the company have taken their toll." he replied, completely unbothered.

The Doctor nodded with a shrug. "Yeah but, nice wheels." he joked again.

He shook his head in turn. "No, a life support system, in a society that despises cyborgs. I've had to hide away for years, running the company by hologram." he then practically spat with deep displeasure. "Host, situation report."

"Information. Titanic is still in orbit."

Disbelief and outrage swept over him. "Let me see. We should have crashed by now. What's gone wrong?" Max then grimaced in frustration as he checked the stats. "The engines are still running! They should have stopped!"

The curious couple then moved forward as he pressed for more information. "When they do, the Earth gets roasted. We don't understand. What's the Earth got to do with it?"

Capricorn turned away from them without hesitation. "This interview is terminated."

But the Doctor just wouldn't have it. "No. No, no, no, no, no. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I can work it out. It's like a task. I'll be like your apprentice. Just watch me. So, business is failing and you wreck the ship so that makes things even worse."

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