Chapter 89: Evolution of the Daleks

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The exact moment the deadly bolt of energy was supposed to hit Soloman was the exact moment he appeared beside Echo and her Doctor. Turns out, she had shot a portal directly under her human friend, allowing him to fall into relative safety. Putting the portal gun away, she then pulled out her blaster and aimed it directly at the Daleks while stepping forward. "You wanna go, bitch? Let's go, then. I'll even let you have the first shot. Just to make it fair." The pure rage and hatred that emanated from her like heat from flame was virtually visible to all who was watching.

"I will be the destroyer of the Great Echo." the Dalek said with a premature sense of triumph.

She then released an unsettling smirk of confidence. "Do your worst. Let's see how far you get." came her confident challenge.

"Exterminate." As it was about to unwisely attempt shooting her down, the Dalek stopped at the command Sec had given. "I do not understand. It is the Destroyer." The Doctor stood beside his love with an equally confused expression, putting a protective hand on her shoulder. "The urge to kill is too strong... I obey."

"What's going on?" the Doctor demanded. He was incredibly grateful for her quick thinking and ability to save Soloman's life. But he didn't want anything to happen to his Echo, no matter how miniscule.

"You will both follow." they ordered unexpectedly.

As they began walking towards one of Hooverville's many exits, Martha ran forward without a second thought. "No! You can't go." her main fears being the safety of all those around her.

"We've got to go." the Time Lord refuted, knowing their best course of action was to follow the Daleks. "The Daleks just changed their minds. Daleks never change their minds."

"But what about us?" she went on, fearful of being left behind while knowing only a fraction of the danger her friends would be in.

Thinking quickly, he then turned back to the watching enemies. "One condition! If we come with you, you spare the lives of everyone here! Do you hear me?"

"Humans will be spared. Follow."

But she still didn't like being separated. "Then I'm coming with you."

He then shook his head as Echo kept her focus on the waiting Daleks. "Martha, stay here with Soloman. Do what you do best. People are hurt. You can help them. Let us go. Oh, and can I just say, thank you very much." Taking her hand into his with a conspiratorial wink, he subtly gave her the psychic paper and walked away with his love.


Storming into the Dalek laboratory, the furious lovers went straight to Sec. "Those people were defenseless! You only wanted us, but no, that wasn't enough for you. You had to start killing, because that's the only thing a Dalek's good for." the Doctor practically snarled. Echo chose to remain silent and kept her ready hand on her holstered blaster. She wanted so badly to kill them before anything else could happen, but she also knew they had to figure out their plan first.

"The deaths were wrong." Sec replied, making both travelers pause in complete and utter shock.

"You want to repeat that?" Echo asked, coming up short with a response.

"That man you saved, their leader, Soloman. He showed courage." he went on in obvious approval.

The travelers shared a look. "And that's good?" the Doctor asked, needing him to clarify further.

"That's excellent."

He furrowed his brow in great interest. "Is it just me or are you becoming a little bit more human?"

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