Chapter 151: The Poison Sky

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Within the mobile HQ, both the Doctor and his beloved Echo were figuring out the gas. "There's carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, but ten percent unidentified." the supposed Martha explained as she filled out sections of a form on a clipboard. "Some sort of artificial heavy element we can't trace. Have either of you seen anything like it?"

"I have a chemical detector, but it's on the Tardis. It'd take too long to make another." Echo said, already planning to retrieve it and help their Donna at the same time.

"It must be something the Sontarans invented." the Doctor added deep in thought. "This isn't just poison. They need this gas for something else. What could that be? And why do you have a chemical detector?"

"Oh, you know. The usual needs. Atmospheric hostility, drugs, curiosity. The list goes on and on." Echo answered with an uncaring shrug.

Before any response could be given, they were suddenly interrupted with the worst decision they warned against. "Launch grid online and active." Captain Price announced.

Colonel Mace nodded. "Positions, ladies and gentlemen. Defcon One initiatives in progress."

"What?" the Doctor said in outrage. "We told you not to launch!"

But he didn't care. "The gas is at sixty percent density. Eighty percent and people start dying. We've got no choice." he replied firmly, thinking it was the best option.

"Launching in sixty, fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven, fifty-six. Worldwide nuclear grid now coordinating. Fifty-four, fifty-three..."

Echo growled in frustration as the Doctor struggled to come up with a way to productively counteract. "You're making a mistake, Colonel. For once, I hope the Sontarans are ahead of you." he said angrily.

Captain Price then continued with her updates as they happened. "North America, online. United Kingdom, online. France, online. India, online. Pakistan, online. China, online. North Korea, online. All systems locked and coordinated. Launching in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five--"

"God save us." Mace muttered mainly to himself.

"Four, three, two, one, zero." Everyone in the room practically held their breath as nothing happened. Much confusion was inflicted as the screen went blank instead.

"What happened? Did we launch? Well, did we?" he immediately asked of her.

Price shook her head. "Negative, sir. The launch codes have been wiped, sir. It must be the Sontarans."

Echo gave her love a confused look, suspicious of the favored outcome. "Can we override it?" Colonel Mace quickly asked as the travelers backed up a bit.

"Trying it now, sir."

The Doctor's frown deepened. "Missiles wouldn't even dent that ship, so why are the Sontarans so keen to stop you?" he wondered aloud, though mainly wanted to know what Echo thought.

Echo, on the other hand, leaned closer to the supposed Martha and smelled chemicals. "What do you think?"

With furrowed brow, "Martha" gave her a confused expression. "How should I know?"

Before anything else could be said or done, they then heard Ross over the radio. "Greyhound Forty declaring absolute emergency!" he said urgently. "Sontarans within factory grounds. East corridor, grid six."

Colonel Mace knew immediately what he wanted to do. "Absolute emergency. Declaring Code Red. All troops, Code Red."

"Get them out of there." the Doctor growled.

But instead of heeding his words, he chose to most human route. "All troops, open fire." he said, much to their frustration.

Causing not an ounce of surprise, Ross responded again only moments later. "Guns aren't working. Inform all troops, standard weapons do not work." he informed fearfully. Over the radio could be heard the screams of the soldiers who were shot dead.

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