Chapter 17: Rise of the Cybermen

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"She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings."
-- Ariana Dancu


Silence. Peaceful, viscous silence. The powerful yet invisible force that held the extraordinary ability to plunge even the sanest of beings into the alluring clutches of lunacy. There is no shame in being overwhelmed or having succumbed to the crazy. Especially when going mad is the only sane thing left to do.

Echo and her Doctor had been working on trying to find anything to help them get their Tardis back. She hadn't said much, if anything, the entire nine minutes they'd been alone. "What are you thinking about?" he eventually yet gently asked, understanding exactly what she was feeling but wanting to help her deal with it.

The brunette kept her sharp eyes focused on the emerald colored crystal she was converting into an improvised "battery", if you will. "I'm thinking that if we can find anything with even a sliver of life, I can use my soon-to-be converted Twin Stone to juice it up. Hopefully, that'll give us enough time to make it back to A176."

"What's a Twin Stone?" his easily distracted mind diverting for a moment.

With a small smile twitching in place, her indescribable eyes finally landed on him with uncontrollable fondness easing her a bit. "They're basically an extremely rare type of crystal that can channel energy from separate realities. It's kinda like crossing a bridge; but instead of living beings crossing from one place to another, any form of energy can pass through much like electricity when you plug something in. But in simpler terms, it'll be an interdimensional battery pack once I'm done."

Not a single word was spoken as he then moved to sit beside her so he could pull her into a comforting embrace. "We will figure this out. I'm sure of it." he softly reassured both of them.

Echo looked up at him with intense gratitude for his frequently selfless and kind actions. "Yeah... I know we will, too. We got this." she agreed, wanting to experience even just a fraction of his optimism. After giving him a simple kiss as thanks, Mickey came walking into the phone box to see if they had figured anything out yet. "Hey, Mickey." she greeted him, then went back to work on her make-shift battery.

"I told you to keep an eye on her." the Doctor said as his frustration with their lack of information slowly trickling into his veins and words more and more. "She goes wandering off. It's not just a parallel world, it's also a mirror world of your reality. It's like a gingerbread house. All those temptations calling out." he continued, hating how helpless he felt. To which was caused by their unfavorable predicaments.

That was when Mickey's own frustrations came to the surface briefly. "Oh, so it's just Rose, then? Nothing out there to tempt me?" he asked with a sarcastic twinge to his words.

With a heavy sigh, he went to sit on the jump chair, bringing Echo along with him. "Well, I don't know. I can't worry about everything." He glared at the console, "If I could just get this thing to--" then kicked the vacant controls with everything he had.

"Did that help?" Mickey asked, deciding to put his annoyances aside for the time being.

Keeping a straight face, the Time Lord nodded with feigned nonchalance. "Yes."

The mechanic folded his arms with a knowing expression. "Did that hurt?"

"Yes. Ow." The Time Lord took that moment to limp back over to sit beside his girl. Upon seeing his distress, Echo took his hand back into her own as a silent form of reassurance. "The Tardis isn't meant to be here. She draws her power from the universe, but it's the wrong universe. It's like putting diesel in a petrol engine." he explained so the human sir could understand their problem more fully.

Mickey then looked at the occupied woman a few feet away. "What about that portal gun thingy?"

Echo smiled at his question, "The technology of the Tardis would make my portals go haywire. I don't want us accidently being sent to the blender dimension." She then got to her feet to show him of her plan up close. "So, therefore, I'm using a crystal that can syphon energy from other realities. If we can find any miniscule sign of life, I can hook this up to it, and can then find a small window to escape through as the energy connection acts as a guide back to the correct universe." she explained as she allowed him to look over the work she had completed.

He nodded in understanding. "Bravo. That could work." he dumbly commented as he immediately identified her incredible intelligence.

Before a single word could be added, the Doctor said the two words that ignited a new level of hope within them once again. "What's that?" His eyes became focused solely on the tiny little green glow of a light.

Without hesitation, Echo immediately went to his side to find what he had spotted. "Finally." she said with a large grin. Giving him an excited peck on the cheek as she rushed passed him again, she then jumped straight to the correct grating on the floor.

In seconds was the Doctor at her side and helping her in reaching their prize. "That's all we need. We've got power! Mickey, we've got power! Haha!" he exclaimed with great relief running through him.

The moment she reached the light deep within the under area of the console, she carefully extracted what she needed while being careful not to break anything. Sitting on the edge of the hole in the floor, Echo hastily attached her crystal to the little bobble without delay. "What is it?" Mickey asked in wonder.

"It's nothing. It's tiny." the Doctor said so she could concentrate. "One of those insignificant little power calls that no one ever bothers about, and it's clinging onto life."

Echo then motioned for her sir to come closer to her. "It has one little ounce of reality tucked away inside." she said, then held the cell between her and her love as if it were the most precious of objects; though, to be fair, it truly was.

"Enough to get us home?" Mickey hoped aloud.

"Not just yet. We need to input the universe we're trying to syphon from with something from said universe." Holding the device with her, the Doctor eagerly smiled at her and blew some of his life onto the dull yet glowing  crystal. After the energy was absorbed and the deice activated with a charging status, they then smiled at each other as they knew they'd be able to help the magnificent Tardis.

A chuckle escaped him as her flawless plan seemed to be taking shape. "I just gave away ten years of my life. Worth every second."

When the light began to slowly blink in and out in equal intervals, their hope began to shift away from its desperate torment. The Tardis would be okay. Seeing more curiosity  on the human sir's face, Echo explained further. "It's charging up. It'll loop around until it has enough power to get us out of here. We'll only have to wait, like, twenty-four hours tops."

 Nodding to signal his comprehension, Mickey then got an idea that he knew would relentlessly torment him if he didn't act on it. He also knew not to bring it up unless it was truly necessary. It's not like they'd miss him while he was gone, right? "So that gives us twenty-four hours on a parallel world?"

The oblivious Time Lord nodded without looking at him, "Shore leave. As long as we keep our heads down. Easy. No problem." He then helped Echo to her feet and motioned towards the doors. "Let's go and tell her." Though, as they left, neither of them noticed the determined gleam that suddenly shone bright in the mechanic's eyes. He had to know. He needed to know. It was his only chance, and he refused to squander such an opportunity in any way, shape or form.


wuttup, its ya boi. just wanted to thank you for giving my story a chance and gave up some of your precious time that could've been spent doing literally anything else. if you have any suggestions, comments, constructive criticism, or simply wish to share your predictions/ thoughts, don't hesitate to write in the comments. enjoy as you will. pece

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