Chapter 136: The Fires of Pompeii

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"In the darkness you could hear the crying of women, the wailing of infants, and the shouting of men. Some prayed for help. Others wished for death. But still more imagined that there were no Gods left and that the universe was plunged into eternal darkness." 
-- Pliny the Younger, The Letters of Pliny, the Younger: With Observations on Each Letter


It was a typical summer day in the beautiful city of Pompeii. It was the year 79 A.D. The main street was packed with people-- women swishing by in long robes, men in tunics, children with leather sandals that slap against the hot stone streets. Vendors shouted for attention; some offering slices of juicy melons or sizzling hunks of roasted meats. Compared to the timeline, everything was quite modern. There was a library, theaters, grand temples. There were shops and restaurants and market places where anyone was able to be given dozens of delicacies. From sweet dates and figs to flattened roasted mice stuffed with nuts and rose petals. The historically known "Vanished World" was incredible and in its prime.

Upon arrival, the Tardis parked herself in a small curtained-off alcove. With joyous smiles, the three travelers stepped out and into the warm sunshine. "Ancient Rome." the Doctor introduced with anticipating excitement. "Well, not for them, obviously. For all intents and purposes, right now, this is brand new Rome." he explained further.

"Oh, my God! It's so Roman!" Donna said with overwhelming exhilaration. "This is fantastic." Feeling intense gratefulness, she then pulled Echo into a brief hug. "I'm here, in Rome. Donna Noble in Rome. This is just weird. I mean, everyone here's dead."

Echo couldn't help but laugh at the reaction. "Yes and no. Depends on the perspective."

She then paused as her smile vanished. "Hold on a minute. that sign over there's in English." she pointed out. Painted on the sign of a barrow was 'two amphorae for the price of one'. "Are you having me on? Are we in Epcot?" came her unimpressed question.

The Doctor shook his head. "No, no, no. That's the Tardis translation circuits. Just makes it look like English. Speech as well. You're talking Latin right now." he explained.

Donna paused with excited fascination. "Seriously? I just said seriously in Latin."

Echo laughed happily as she winked at her beloved. "Absolutely, my dear. And this is only the beginning."

As they casually walked down the street pass vendors galore, Donna came up with another curiosity. "I wonder. What if I said something in actual Latin? Like veni vidi vici? My  dad said that when he came back from football. If I said veni vidi vici to that lot, what would it sound like?"

Echo looked at her with an impressed look of joy. "I have absolutely no idea. You are completely big brain. Let's go try it!" She then took her hand and they both approached a man selling his own kind of goods.

"Afternoon, sweethearts. What can I get you, my loves?" he greeted with a happy smile.

"Quomodo vales, bone vir?" Echo asked kindly. (translation: How are you, my good sir?)

"Veni vidi vici." Donna added with an excited twinkle shining in her beautiful eyes.

The man gave them a severely confused look. "Huh? Sorry? Me no speak Celtic. No can do missies."

The brunette woman snorted, nodded and walked back over to her amused Doctor. "I love educational moments like that."

Donna, however, voiced her own confusion. "How's he mean, Celtic?"

"Welsh." he replied in understanding. "You sound Welsh. There we are. Learned something."

Only seconds later did the fascinated redhead voice her curiosities as they came. "Don't our clothes look a bit odd?"

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