Chapter 38: The Satan Pit

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If you dance with the devil, then you haven't got a clue; you think you'll change the devil, but the devil changes you.


"Open fire!" yelled Jefferson. He and the guard then shot down all approaching Ood in only a few seconds.

Only moments after the threat had been neutralized did the violent shaking cease. "We're stabilizing." Zach then said with relief clear in his voice and racing heart. "We've got orbit."

Without hesitation, Echo and Rose both ran back to the computer. "Doctor? Ida? Is everything all right down there?" the brunette asked, hoping the quaking hadn't caused them an injury.

"Open door fifteen."

Everyone quickly turned at the sound of the door opening. Without hesitation, Jefferson prepared to shoot. "It's me! But they're coming." Danny quickly said as he immediately closed the door behind him.

"Alrighty." Echo began as her mind raced at the speed of light. "We know they're armed and we know that we're out numbered." She then walked back over to the computer. "Hey, Zach. How much ammo have you got?"

Zach checked over all that he had with fearful disappointment flooding through him. "All I've got is a bolt gun. With, er, all of one bolt. I can take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is." he grumbled, fear seeping into his blood stream gradually.

Jefferson then walked to her side. "Given the emergency, I recommend strategy nine."

It wasn't long before Zach gave his decision. "Strategy nine. Agreed. We'll need to get everyone together. Rose? Echo? What about Ida and the Doctor? Any word?" his desire to escape becoming overwhelming.

"I can't get a reply." the blonde said with great concern. "We keep trying, but it's--"

"Nope. Sorry, we're fine. Still here." came the Time Lord's some what staticky voice.

Echo grabbed the intercom without delay. "You could have said so. You pull something like that again and I'll take you down like a sumo wrestler."

He couldn't help the fond smile that adorned his features. "I'll do my best, love. Anyway, the seal opened up. Now all we've got left is this chasm." he said as both he and Ida analyzed all they could.

"How deep is it?" Zach asked curiously.

"Can't really tell." he replied with furrowed brow and contemplative yearning. "It looks like it goes down forever."

Rose gave her best friend a very worried expression. " 'The pit is open.' That's what the voice said." she pointed out, hating the fact that she was incapable of helping with the risky expedition.

"But there's nothing. I mean, there's nothing coming out?" their captain asked as he kept an eye on every system he could see.

The Doctor continued to study all he could. "No, no. No sign of 'The Beast'."

"It said Satan." Rose muttered quietly.

To which prompted her friend to wrap an arm around her shoulders comfortingly. "Don't worry, Rose. Even if it is, they got nothing on me." she reassured with a reassuring smile.

"Ida. I recommend that you both withdraw. Immediately." came Zach's voice.

Disappointment swept through her completely. "But we've come all this way."

"That was an order. Withdraw. When that thing opened, the whole planet shifted. One more inch and we fall into the black hole. So, this thing stops right now." the captain finalized, leaving no hint of indecisiveness in his voice.

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