Chapter 118: Utopia

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(Fat ass chapter coming your way! 🖖❤️)

Without hesitation, Martha was at Jack's side with  intense worry. "Chan Don't touch the cables tho."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yana said with genuine sympathy for Jack's passing.

Much to their confusion, neither the Doctor nor Echo acted without any reaction at all. They clearly weren't affected in the slightest. "So, the chamber's flooded with radiation, yes?" he asked in response.

The Professor nodded with a frown. "Without the couplings, the engines will never start. It was all for nothing." hating the fact that two people had died due to their efforts.

As Martha began to try mouth to mouth resuscitation, Echo smiled softly at her caring determination. She then moved to her side and gently pulled her away. "It's alright, Martha. Don't worry about it."

"You've got to let me try." she tried to deny, but allowed herself to be moved. 

"No, really. It's fine. No worries." the brunette reassured, earning her a look of strong disbelief by the obvious apathy shown.

The Doctor looked to the watching scientists with equal lack of emotion. "It strikes me, Professor; you've got a room which no man can enter without dying. Is that correct?"

He nodded briefly. "Yes."

"Well..." the Time Lord began. He was then interrupted on cue by Jack gasping as he came back to life. "I think we've got just the man."

Jack looked around with even greater confusion than anyone in the room. "Was someone kissing me?"

With a very unlady like snort of amusement, Echo helped him to his feet. She then pulled her portal gun out, typed in the desired coordinates and shot at a nearby wall. "Come along, boys. Martha, we're going to need you up here." After receiving a nod of understanding, she walked into the portal with her lover and close friend following just behind.

Seconds later, they were in the control room. "Lieutenant, get on board the rocket. I promise, you're going to fly." the Doctor quickly informed.

Atillo furrowed his brow hesitantly, "But the chamber's flooded."

"Trust me. We've found a way of tripping the system. Run!" As the man quickly did as told, the Doctor went to Echo's side and turned to see Jack removing his outer shirt. "What are you taking your clothes off for?"

"I'm going in." he replied as he repositioned his suspenders.

Echo worked quickly as her Doctor felt his mild confusion remain unaffected. "Well, by the looks of it, I'd say the stet radiation doesn't affect clothing. Only flesh." she pointed out.

"I look good, though." came the Captain's answer before he moved to the door keeping certain death at bay. Echo smirked at his comment as she worked uninterrupted. Before he went in, Jack paused and looked only at the virtually knowing Time Lord. "How long have you known?"

Without skipping a beat and feeling repressed remorse, he chose to answer. "Ever since I ran away from you." He then paused and gave an encouraging nod. "Good luck."

Wasting not even a second more, Jack swiftly entered the radiation chamber to begin the task that only he could complete. "We lost picture when that thing flared up. Doctor, Echo, are you there?" they heard Martha through the computer, hoping for a positive outcome from their taxing efforts.

"Receiving on our end. Jackie just went in. All's good so far." Echo answered casually, pleased with their correct place of growing success.

"And he's still alive?"

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