Chapter 149: The Sontaran Stratagem

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"Ross, get out! Luke, you've got to come with us." the Doctor immediately said, knowing exactly what to expect for the next few minutes. Before he could zap the teleport with his sonic screwdriver, a shorter being appeared with helmet on and weapon in hand. "Sontaran!" he declared, thinking quickly. "That's your name, isn't it? You're a Sontaran. How did I know that, hey? Fascinating, isn't it? Isn't that worth keeping us alive?"

Relying on his training, Ross pointed his gun with useless precision. "I order you to surrender in the name of the Unified Intelligence Taskforce." he ordered.

"Sorry, Ross. But that won't work. I noticed the cordolaine signal the moment we stepped foot in here. Copper excitation stops the bullets. Which is complete and utter bullshit, if you ask me. Good thing my gun's not affected by it." Echo explained, throwing them off with her clear understanding of what was happening.

"How do you know so much?" the Sontaran asked, not having expected such knowledge from supposed humans. "Who are they?"

Before Luke could answer, Echo shrugged. "We are more curious about you and your little plans." wanting to have a conversation before getting shot at.

"But this isn't typical Sontaran behavior, is it? Hiding? Using teenagers, stopping bullets? A Sontaran should face bullets with dignity. Shame on you." the Doctor antagonized, knowing the exact buttons to push in order to get what he wanted.

"You dishonour me, sir!" the creature said in outrage.

"Yeah? Then show yourself." he challenged, trying to widen the opportunity's opening.

"I will look into my enemy's eyes!" He then removed his blue helmet with a glare.

Ross's eyes widened in complete shock. "Oh, my God." Before them was shown a rather large head with the same look as a demented diglett before evolution.

"And your name?" the Doctor urged with a serious face.

The Sontaran stood straighter. "General Staal, of the Tenth Sontaran Fleet. Staal the Undefeated."

Echo chuckled mockingly as her lover spoke her mind. "Oh, that's not a very good nickname. What if you do get defeated? Staal the Not Quite So Undefeated Anymore But Never Mind?"

"He's like a potato. A baked potato. A talking baked potato." Ross couldn't stop himself from saying.

As Echo nodded in agreement, the Doctor decided to correct the point of view. "Now, Ross, don't be rude. You look like a pink weasel to him." making Echo nod again in acceptance. Then, in a rather subtle manner, he picked up a squash racket and a ball. "The Sontarans are the finest soldiers in the galaxy, dedicated to a life of warfare. A clone race, grown in batches of millions with only one weakness." he continued.

"Sontarans have no weakness." Staal immediately cut in with even more outrage.

"Don't you worry, little thing. It's nothing to be embarrassed about." the beautiful brunette comforted with an overdone soothing tone.

Luke looked at them with complete befuddlement. "Aren't you meant to be clever? Only an idiot would provoke him."

The Doctor then chose to continue explaining to Ross. "No, but the Sontarans are fed by a probic vent in the back of their neck. That's their weak spot. Which means, they always have to face their enemies in battle. Isn't that brilliant? They can never turn their backs."

"We stare into the face of death!" Staal exclaimed in agreement.

"Yeah? Well, stare at this." In one swift motion, the Doctor smashed the ball into the back of the teleport, where it rebounded and hit Staal right on the probic vent. He collapsed to the floor in pain, giving the travelers their cue to book it. But not before he zapped the teleport with his sonic.

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