Chapter 61: The Runaway Bride

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Parked on a random building's roof, the Doctor was using a fire extinguisher from outside the doors. Thick smoke billowed out relentlessly. Standing near the edge was Donna and Echo. The brunette didn't want to make any form of attachment. But she hated seeing this all around like-able woman become resigned. "I'm sorry, Donna. We totally ruined your wedding." she said quietly.

But, instead of agreeing with them being at fault, she smiled at her. "Don't be."

It was then that the busy Time Lord approached them after his extinguisher had been emptied. "The funny thing is, for a spaceship, she doesn't really do  that much flying. We'd better give it a few hours." He then noticed her somber expression. "You all right?"

Donna sighed, "Doesn't matter."

He nodded in understanding. "We missed it, didn't we?"


"Well, you can book another date." he said, not wanting her to focus on the negative either.

She nodded, "Oh, of course we can." Donna agreed, though was still saddened by their result. It was a failure, but she appreciated their efforts.

"At least you've got the honeymoon." Echo tried to reassure, also unaware on how to properly do so.

Donna shrugged. "It's just a holiday now."

The lovers shared a look of despondence. "Yeah. Sorry." he muttered quietly.

She then gave him the same smile she'd given Echo. "Don't be. It's neither of your fault." she countered whole heartedly.

He became noticeably surprised. "Oh? That's a change." Upon hearing his comment, his Echo gave his hand a gentle kiss as a sign of heartfelt emotional support.

"Wish you had a time machine. Then we could go back and get it right." Donna mused absently. 

"If we did go back into your own personal timeline, it'd create a very harmful paradox. You'd never safely get anything right." Echo said, wanting to help her with useful knowledge expansion.

Donna then went and sat down near the edge of the roof, looking out at St. Paul's Cathedral and the city beyond. Without hesitation, the Doctor then took off his jacket and put it around the bride's shoulders before they sat beside her. "God, you're skinny. This wouldn't fit a rat." she teased playfully.

"Oh, and you'd better put this on." he then said as he pulled a unique, gold ring into the open. "Those creatures can trace you. This is a bio-damper. Should keep you hidden. With this ring, I bid thee bio-damp."

Donna smiled a little again. "For better or for worse." She then took a deep breath to settle herself. "So, come on then. Robot Santas; what are they for?" she asked curiously.

He shrugged, "Ah, your basic robo scavenger. The Father Christmas stuff is just a disguise. They're trying to blend in. I met them last Christmas." he said with a distant gaze. After a moment of silence, he then came back to himself. "That was just before I met you, my love."

Echo smiled a little. "Quite the party."

Donna looked at them with confusion and furrowed brow. "Why, what happened last Christmas?"

The Doctor then gave her an equally confused look. "Great big spaceship hovering over London? You didn't notice?"

"I had a bit of a hangover." she replied with nothing but honesty.

Echo nodded, "I feel." she commented in immediate acceptance.

He then frowned as he spotted the familiar flat complex. "I spent Christmas Day just over there, the Powell Estate, with this family." he said with sorrow. Echo, too, looked at the building with a frown. "My friend, she had this family. Well, they were... Still, gone now." 

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