Chapter 97: 42

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(ignore the backpack lol 🤷)

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(ignore the backpack lol 🤷)

The only constant in life is change. People, as a species, are in an unceasing state of metamorphoses. Just when we get comfortable swimming in the sea, we end up on land. The moment we become accustom to crawling, we stand on two legs. Our instinct is to resist change, to fear it. So we wrap a pretty word like evolution around it and hope it'll make the pill easier to swallow. The thing is, change doesn't care if you love it or hate it. It's indifferent, intractable, and it will not be denied.

As the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver on Martha's mobile phone, Echo made herself busy with piloting the Tardis. "Right, there we go. Universal roaming. Never have to worry about a signal again." he said and tossed her the phone back.

"No way. This is too mad. You're telling me I can phone anyone, anywhere in space and time on my mobile?" Martha asked in cheerful disbelief.

"As long as you know the area code." he answered, pleased with her excitement. "Frequent flier's privilege. Go on, try it."

Just before she could do anything with her phone, the Tardis juddered. "Oop. We've got a distress signal. Locking on." Echo said as her hands flew across the console with purpose in every movement she made. Without much difficulty, they landed with a small jolt. "Come along, my darlings." then led the way to the doors.

Upon walking out, they were met by a strongly persistent wave of heat assaulting them while their surroundings were bathed in an almost red light. "Whoa, now that is hot." He then looked at his love. "But not as hot as you."

With an amused chuckle, Echo rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

"Make me." he shot back playfully.

"Automated distress signal transmitted." the computer announced.

Martha immediately took her jacket off and placed it within the Tardis. "Jeez, it's like a sauna in here."

Looking around, Echo noticed the gauges and ventilation area. "Venting systems are working at full pelt. I wonder where we are."

Walking out of a nearby bulkhead door into Area 29, they found three people running towards them. "Get out of there!" the woman leader shouted.

"Seal that door, now!" one of the men said with obvious fear in his voice.

"Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?" the leader demanded at the door was sealed shut.

"Are you police?" the other man asked further.

Echo furrowed her brows in confusion. "Why do you need or didn't want the police?"

Martha, too, felt great perplexity. "We got your distress signal." she informed, sensing the immense danger they were now in.

"If this is a ship, why can't we hear any engines?" the Doctor inquired, not sure what to make of it.

The woman leader could see no reason to lie just yet. "It went dead four minutes ago."

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now