Chapter 26: The Idiot's Lantern

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."
-- Albert Einstein


A week had passed after the Cybermen fiasco; to which allowed them to relax a bit before their next adventure. Echo and her Doctor were sitting quietly as they basked in the comfort of the fire near by. They were reading their own books while laying together, lounging within the serene library. They'd been silently enjoying themselves for at least three hours without realizing, seeing as it felt like only half an hour. Though, all they could truly focus on was how it felt for Echo to be laying comfortably beside him on the extremely comfortable couch. His warmth was comforting, his scent entrancing, his mere presence soothing.

When Echo closed her book, she snuggled closer to her love. "I'm going to tell you something, but you can't freak out about or anything. Okay?" she then said, nervous to show any kind of vulnerability. 

He then closed his own book so he could listen to her with undivided attention. "I will always listen to what you have to say." he promised softly.

"I... I really care about you. In ways I never thought possible." she admitted, then pulled away a bit so she could look him in the eyes. "It's something I can't even begin to accurately describe in words." The Doctor watched her carefully as he memorized her every feature, desperate for her to continue. "I've tried to figure it out. Tried to put meaning to the madness. To understand the amount of emotions that overwhelm me at the very thought of you." She paused for a moment, shoving her nervousness to the back of her mind. I can't even pinpoint the exact moment it happened either. The moment I realized I'd do anything to live for you, or even die for you if I had to." she admitted softly. Then, with hopeful confidence, Echo sat up and straddled him. Without objection or even a clear train of thought, the Doctor placed his hands on her waist and thigh without realizing. The weight of her sitting on him was beyond tempting. All though, his own nerves prohibited him from making any kind of move to escalate the situation.

"My affections for you seem to have no limits, no boundaries. It grows and deepens and consumes me completely." Echo then leaned closer and shared with him a teasingly short kiss. To which thoroughly scrambled his mind with desire. "Every inch of me aches for you when you're not with me." she whispered and gave him another kiss on his jaw as she slowly moved her lips lower. "Every thought I have now surrounds you." she then sensually kissed him along his neck as he held her closer, wanting to have her as close as possible while lust began to flourish within him. "No matter how big my feelings get, no matter how many times I think I can't possibly care for you any more than I do in this very moment, I continue to be proven wrong."

Echo then allowed him a passionate kiss upon his lips as she rocked her hips with her own desire for him blossoming. As he held her against himself, he couldn't stop the groan of unimaginable delight he was being subjected to. A new found fire was then set ablaze within them both, to which only encouraged them to continue.  They both greatly wanted to do so, their only intentions being desire and expressing just how much they cared for one another. Though, like all things must, their moment ended. "Doctor? Echo?" they suddenly heard Rose call in the distance, unknowingly being kept from them by the Tardis. He groaned with annoyance as his grip slightly tightened, not wanting her to move a single inch from her spot on top of him.

With a sigh of disappointment and defeat, the Time Lord felt greatly resistant toward ending their 'activities'. "Come along, my love. We can continue this at a better time." she whispered seductively, nibbled on his ear in a teasing manner, then stood with a smug smirk at the disheveled state she had put him in. She then walked out of the room and headed towards the console room to find Rose. 

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