Chapter 115: Utopia

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The group eventually found themselves looking down over a cliff onto a high tech structure of some kind that seemed to be carved out of the ancient landscape. "Is that a city?" Martha asked in awe.

"A city or a hive, or a nest, or a conglomeration." the Doctor listed off. "Like it was grown. But look, there. That's like pathways, roads? Must have been some sort of life. Long ago."

"What killed it?" their companion wondered aloud.

"The number one killer in existence. Time. Simple, viscous time." Echo answered as her sharp eyes drank in the scene before her.

Her Doctor nodded in agreement. "Everything's dying now. All the great civilizations have gone." He then looked up at the empty, dark sky. "This isn't just night. All the stars have burned up and faded away into nothing." His mind then thought back to when he and Echo were in the 'Echoverse' and she was showing him the timeline and lifeline of this universe; seeing the entropy of the universe's collapse.

"They must have an atmospheric shell. We should be frozen to death." Jack commented with a curious look in his eyes.

"Well, us maybe. Not so sure about you, Jack." the Time Lord replied, giving him a long meaningful expression. One that both men shared.

Echo shrugged thoughtfully. "I'd say you'd freeze, die, reanimate and start back at square one." she said quietly, though mainly to herself.

Martha, however, hadn't been listening as her mind was filled with many questions and curiosities. "What about the people? Does no one survive?"

"I suppose we have to hope life had found a way." her second best friend reassured, though not sure how strong the hope should be.

That was when Jack noticed something unexpected; or more like someone. "Well, he's not doing too bad." he pointed out as a man sprinted below them; all the while being pursued by a hungry and murderous tribe.

"Human!" the chieftain announced to the rest of his followers.

The Doctor immediately had a disturbed feeling wash through him as he analyzed the situation in front of them. "Is it me, or does that look like a hunt? Come on!"

Without hesitation did he and his love dash into action with both Martha and Jack hot on their trail. "Oh, I've missed this!" Jack said, loving the excitement and adrenaline of being with his favorite people in the universe.

When they finally met up with the terrified man, they saw just how frantic he was. "They're coming! They're coming!" he yelled with nothing but petrifying fear fueling his mind and actions completely.

As the tribe drew closer to their current position, Jack pulled out his revolver and took aim as Echo kept her attention on the terrified man. "Jack, don't you dare!" the Doctor ordered firmly, glad he didn't have to rain in his girl as well. So, in response, he pointed his weapon at the black sky and fired a few rounds in warning. The almost deafening sound quickly stopped the tribe in its tracks.

"What the hell are they?" Martha asked as she saw the truly deranged and unsettling features of those that wanted their blood.

But the man would wait for an explanation for when they were safe. "There's more of them. We've got to keep going." he urged desperately.

"We've got a ship nearby. It's safe. It's not far, it's just over there." the Doctor tried to reassure, then saw even more tribesmen appear on the cliff they'd just come from. "Or maybe not." he corrected with wide eyes and a frown.

"We're close to the silo. If we get to the silo, then we'll be safe." the man said quickly, praying for luck and general safe passage.

"Then that will be our next destination. Lezgo!" Echo decided and sprinted away with everyone else, tribe included, following behind.

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