Chapter 42: Unexpected Recruitment

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"The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and I'll look down and whisper 'No.'  "
-- Alan Moore (Watchmen)


They had just finished eating lunch in an isolated meadow on Zorpantheon 9 when Echo's interdimensional phone began to ring. "Speak." she said after answering the call. Only a few seconds passed before she cracked a delighted smile. "What a lovely surprise. Been a while since I've heard from your sorry ass." she then greeted happily, truly glad to be talking to her old friend. "Ooh, how intriguing. Tell them I'll be there within the hour. Smell you later, assassinator."

Once she was off the phone, Echo pulled out her portal gun to input the coordinates. She then heard Rose's excited cheer. "Yes! Another interdimensional adventure! Where are we going this time?" she questioned with an enthralled grin adorning her features.

The brunette chuckled with amusement. "We shall be traveling to dimension D99 to attend a meeting with a few other Echos. Apparently, something's going down and my amazing self must get down and dirty to fix it once again."

Both the Doctor and Rose gave her a confused look. "What do you mean by 'other Echos'?" he asked curiously.

She shrugged. "Echo J Zeta 17 and Echo M83-4b have an offer for something or other. Therefore, there will be a meeting at the Flip Dip Tavern where I will try and bleed them dry of as many blemflarks as I'm able." she explained, oblivious of the time details they were confused about.

"What do you mean by 'other Echos', though? Like, I thought it was forbidden to talk to another you." Rose said, having seen just one outcome testing the limits could cause.

Echo then shook her head. "Oh, no. You're thinking of 'you's from your own timeline. I'm talking about a meeting with other 'me's from different dimensions. It's perfectly safe." she explained without an ounce of worry. "Seeing as there are infinite dimensions, there are infinite Echos. Of course we know of each other. It's virtually unavoidable to bump into one another at some point." She then got to her feet and turned back to her best friend and lover. "What say you to us leaving right now, then heading over to the Gloppy Drop System again afterward." she suggested and waved her portal gun enticingly.

Rose quickly nodded and got to her feet as well. "I'm ready when you are."

With grin widening, her Doctor was also eager to experience what she had to offer. "Oh yeah, I'm definitely in." he, too, agreed.

"Fantastic." she spoke with great satisfaction. Without another moment's delay, a portal was shot onto the ground so they could get to the correct dimension and begin their adventure.


Upon arrival, they were met with a peculiar sight. Around them was a desert world; the dark purple sand glistening magically against the jade green sky. Three magnificent suns hung in the sky in very different spots. Echo then led them into a nearby bazaar. Everyone they passed looked grimy, sketch, and over all intimidating. It quickly became clear that they were in some kind of black market, though Echo felt right at home. It was a regular occurrence for her to wander through bazaar after bazaar, providing others with weapons and what not usually for a high price. "Now when we're in there, I'm going to need you to leave any kind of negotiation and decision making to me. You never can trust an Echo to play fair." the brunette dimension hopper informed as they approached the Flip Dip Tavern.

Walking inside, they found themselves surrounded by all kinds of alien creatures. Most of them even the Doctor didn't have any knowledge on. Some where humanistic or insectoid, and some were virtually unidentifiable. Even though the place was densely populated, it only took them a few seconds to find those they were looking for. "Oh, my God." Rose muttered when her eyes landed on the brunette women in very different outfits sitting silently in one of the more so isolated corners of the room. The moment the Doctor laid eyes on the identical Echos, his mind began to run rampant with many thoughts all at once. Some thoughts consisted of concern, some intrigue, most curiosity and a few naughty fantasies that he couldn't help but imagine.

"Rose, Doctor. This is Echo J Zeta 17 and M83-4b." their Echo introduced, then sat down with an unreadable blank expression. "Get to it, assholes."

J Zeta 17 rolled her eyes and gestured for M83-4b to begin. "Here's the rub. Not too long ago, an Elemental Shade had escaped from the Howling Halls. We'll give you two thousand blemflarks to deal with this so we don't have to." she said with nothing but seriousness.

The Time Lord's Echo leaned forward with a feigned contemplative nod of her head. "Make it seven thousand, and maybe I'll consider it." she countered. "Make it ten thousand and you got yourself a deal."

Such a comment made M83-4b scoff and roll her eyes as well. "Oh, come on. You know this job isn't worth that much."

Echo shrugged and rested against the back of her chair. "Your choice, dip-ass. I think you came to me, the Echoest Echo of them all, because you don't want to deal with a more than likely gromflomite interception." she practically taunted, knowing she spoke the truth.

They glared at her silently, also knowing they were had. "Fine. You can have your ten thousand after you've dealt with the Elemental Shade." J Zeta 17 practically growled when seeing her smug smirk.

"Very wise, ladies. I'll come find you to collect shortly. See you soon." Echo said joyfully, got to her feet and tried to lead the way back outside. 

But they only made it a few steps before M83-4b got up as well and stopped the Doctor with a desire fueled grin. Such an action stopped the Doctor in his tracks, to which stopped his girls as well. "Why don't you join us. I'm sure you'll find who the better Echo is here." she attempted to flirt openly. It was surprising to say the least just seeing the drastic difference this Echo was to his.

Before he had the chance to even react or feel uncomfortable by the proposition, his Echo instantly pointed her blaster directly at M83-4b's face. "Mine." was all she said, pure hatred burning brightly in her piercing gaze. J Zeta 17 pushed her 'partner' away from the altercation as though it were a tiringly regular occurrence. After a tense moment, Echo slowly lowered her weapon and proceeded to take their leave. Their task had begun.

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