Chapter 78: Reunited

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{Council Robes}

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{Council Robes}

Standing before the Council was the most intimidating situation Martha had ever experienced. For the Time Lord, he felt their opportunity to find and rescue their Echo running out. On a raised platform were seven identical women, all wearing robes symbolizing their superiority. "Doctor of the planet Gallifrey and Martha Jones of Earth. You have been found guilty of infiltration, radicalizing and conspiring with a traitorous Echo. How do you plea?"

The Doctor glared up at them, realizing what was happening. "How is this a fair trial? We were never read our rights and we don't even have a lawyer!" he spat angrily.

The Echo who had spoken rolled her eyes. "It's not fair, you have no rights, and lawyers are boring. We'll be lenient if you renounce your Echo. What say you?"

Martha felt outraged, "You can't be serious!" she blurted out without thinking.

The calculating Time Lord then took over. "I say no. My Echo is the only Echo. Do what you want. It's clear you're going to anyway."

She smirked, having expected such an answer. "Very well. We here by imprison you both until we see fit or get bored. Every morning and evening you will be given your punishment. Such punishments will change daily. Such as beatings, water boarding, or whatever they feel like doing. Take them away!"

As they were forced from the room in advanced handcuffs, Martha tried to struggle a bit out of fear. "You can't do this! We didn't do anything to you!"

The Doctor turned to her, completely at a loss on what to do. "Don't worry, Martha. We'll get out of this. I won't let anything happen to you." he promised, trying to think of anything and everything he could.

As they reached their cell and their cuffs were removed, they were shoved into the tiny room and locked inside. Martha sat down on the only metal bed and looked up at him. "What are we going to do? We're about to be tortured and we can't even look for our Echo anymore."

He looked around at their surroundings as he struggled to answer. The walls were dark grey metal, along with the door. "Well, uhm, well..." Before he could get too far, they suddenly heard a warped beeping coming from his inner jacket pocket. Martha's eyes widened as she quickly stood. The Doctor immediately pulled out the portal gun and saw a message in the place of inputting coordinates. 

'On my way.'

"It's her. She's coming." he said with a growing smile. He hated having to wait for help, but he knew for certain that she could do anything. 


After Echo had made it to the Citadel using one of the dead agent's portal gun. She already knew that there was going to be a fight. But it was necessary, so she had no qualms. Tracking her portal gun, the correct prison and location was eventually found. When she snuck her way through the prison and made her way to the cell door, there was no hesitation in hacking into the door to open it.

As the door slid open, she crossed her arms with a smirk. "I'm gone like two minutes and you're already arrested. I'm so proud."

Martha wasted no time in rushing over and pulling her into an intensely relief causing hug. The Doctor, however, saw so much more. The clothes she wore were tattered and messy. He saw how much paler and leaner she seemed. Her hair was in a very messy and knotted bun. Her left eye and forehead were deeply bruised. When she hugged Martha back, she practically clung to her. "We don't have a lot of time. So let's continue this party once we're back in the Tardis. Yeah?" Echo then turned and made sure no one was coming, not having made a single moment's worth of eye contact with her lover. Something he wasn't oblivious to. 

Silently following their Echo through hallway after hallway, the reunited trio went on their way the best they could. She'd explained that all prisons were protected against portals. Though, after they finally escaped the confines of the prison entirely, the battle continued. After Echo was forced to kill an Echo guard, the alarm was rung and the police were alerted. "Oh, my God! You killed her!" Martha exclaimed in shock after her friend shot her down without a second thought.

"She was going to do worse then just kill us. Now, shut up so I can think." Echo answered, then checked on how much ammo she had left. "Now, I can shoot us a portal to get to the Tardis. But here's the thing. I put a firewall up against other Echos. I was drunk when I did it, so now my gun's locked out too. I got arrested before I could get to it again. The Echos will probably be guarding the Tardis. So when we get there, you'll both have to take cover." She then began typing in the necessary coordinates.

Her Doctor watched her with a deeply troubled look taking over his features. "Are you sure this is the only way?"

Echo paused and finally met his gaze for the first time. "I don't have a choice." she declared. "You have no idea what Echos are like. If I had the time, I'd take out those Council pricks too. Now, follow my direction without questions. Got it?"

He could see how much she had changed; clearly due to what she had experienced when in 'custody'. "We always have a choice." he reminded, saying nothing more. All he wanted was to get them all away from this troublesome citadel. To get her to safety and comfort. To allow her a chance to properly process and handle what she had gone through. Echo clearly needed it more than anything.

She stared into his mesmerizing eyes, then quickly looked away before her own could completely tear up. "I'll figure this out. I promise."

He then raised her gaze with a hand on her cheek. "We'll figure this out." he corrected with a soft smile.

She took a steadying deep breath and nodded. "We got this." Echo didn't want them anywhere near the battle field. She felt absolutely horrendous for causing them to be imprisoned. If it wasn't for her, they'd never have been in harm's way at the hands of the Council. She didn't know what they'd gone through. But she did know it was her fault. If it was going to be the last thing she ever did, she'd make it up to them. No matter how much she had to do in the process.


Let me know what you think of this little interlude. I hope it's not too cringe for you lol

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