Chapter 124: The Last of the Time Lords

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"You couldn't relive your life, skipping the awful parts, without losing what made it worthwhile. You had to accept it as a whole-- like the world, or the person you loved." 
-- Stewart O'Nan


Being forcefully pulled into the flight deck by her chain leash, the guard couldn't care less if he caused her pain. The Master sat at the able with a closed laptop in front of him. The Doctor was sat silently at the window while being faced away from them. "Hope you enjoyed the show, jackhole." she greeted with angry sarcasm.

His malevolent grin widened in amusement. "Oh yes, we did."

It was in that moment that shame violently smothered her as she immediately looked at her beloved Doctor, feeling deeply disturbed by the fact that he wouldn't even look at her. Keeping her concern and even hurt hidden, Echo glared at the smug Master with more hate than she thought possible. "You were absolutely exquisite, my love. I had no idea how much skill you had in you." he practically gushed, feeling his incredible attraction for her intensify.

"I thought of nothing but you." she promised in return, greatly wishing for an opportunity to show him just how much she despised him and all that he had done, along with what he planned to do.

The Master chuckled with enjoyment. "After such a promising performance. I think you deserve a reward." With purpose in his step, he proceeded to lock her chain leash to a metal loop on the floor across the room from the silently brooding Time Lord. Once secured, he then went to walk out of the room entirely. "Have fun." he sang just before the door closed.

Silence flooded the room as Echo stared only at her soulmate. A full five minutes passed before he finally sighed. "How many?" was the only thing that was inquired.

She hesitated in answering, but ultimately decided to be truthful. He deserved to know. There was far too much respect between them for her to be even slightly deceiving. "Too many to count."

The Doctor turned his head a bit, desperate to know the truth and only the truth. "Did you--... Did you enjoy it?"

Echo then felt incredibly grateful for the fact that he wasn't looking at her. "Yes." causing him to bow his head with some repressed emotion she couldn't place. "But to be honest, I couldn't help but dissociate a bit and heard nothing but the Master under my knife. By then, I don't know... I just couldn't stop..." she went on, needing him to know where she was coming from.

With a heavy sigh, he put his face in his hand. "I need to think..." he muttered quietly.

She tried to walk over to him, but was denied by her chained dog collar. "I'm sorry, my love. I just--"

"I said I need to think." he interrupted firmly and looked back out the window, seeing absolutely nothing.

Without warning or mercy, Echo practically drowned in the feeling of being spurned and sorrowful. Knowing not to utter a single word more, she sat on the floor with her back facing him. Her silent tears quickly welled up and cascaded down her cheeks and onto the hard floor without notice.

The heart is a fragile thing. It desires unconditional, unlimited love and to be loved for who it is, not what it can be made into. She felt overwhelming heartbreak and rejection that went to the very core of who she was. It was a feeling she couldn't compare to any other. It felt like the most devastating and painful emotion she'd ever experienced. The reason behind her turning away was because it hurt too much to look at him. She couldn't stand it.

Love had never hurt her in such an intense manner. She could never of predicted the turn their lives had taken. Why her? Why him? Why them?

She remembered the first time they met. She remember their first kiss; how soft and tender his lips caressed her. She remembered their first intimate moment together  and of how his mere touch was like that of a celestial touching her very soul. The memory of the first time he said 'I love you' was what caused her silent tears to be released. She hoped he'd eventually let her explain herself, even if it led to nothing.

After a week had passed, life continued to decline. The Doctor didn't say a single word the entire time; to which only increased Echo's guilt and shame towards her heinous actions. She never wanted him to see her entirely heartless side. But now that he had, she had no idea what their future held for them and their relationship. Pleased with the outcome, the Master went back to his seduction attempts on the torn woman. He'd regularly make snide and incredibly inconsiderate comments and jokes about their perceived shattered connection. He saw it as an opportunity to make her completely his. No matter what he did, however, she refused every single time. Though, when he said he'd make a far better husband and father instead of her Doctor, she couldn't stop herself from snapping. "You know nothing. In fact, you know less than nothing. Because if you knew that you knew nothing, then that would at least be something."

With not a speck of hesitation, the Master backhanded her to the floor. "You're going to learn how to watch your tongue and speak only when given permission." he growled angrily, getting fed up with how completely stubborn she truly was. He then looked to the nearest guard. "Take her to her cell. I'll deal with her later." She was then dragged out of the room as told.


Later in the night, Francine came into her "room" with her dinner; a mere apple. Worry washed through her the moment she laid eyes on the abused Echo. For she was sitting against the wall and staring off into the abyss of thoughts without any outward emotion. "Are you okay?" she asked warily.

Instead of answering the question, Echo chose to speak of a different topic. "I was a good child, did my homework, ate my vegetables, kissed my mother goodnight. I was patient. I was kind... But I've come to realize over the years that good things don't actually come to those who wait. We behaved as well as we could, for as long as we could. Now it's time to try something else. We came screaming  into this world. How can we possibly leave it without putting up a fight?" As she spoke, her monotone voice and vacant sight could only alarm Francine all the more. "I get the feeling that the time for action and fighting back is almost upon us."

Francine furrowed her brow with a frown and hesitated for a moment. "But... What of those we care about?"

Only then did Echo meet her gaze. "All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage anymore." she said with personal sincerity.

Her frown deepened, but sadly knew that she was correct. "I'll try to slip a note to the Doctor so we can start planning."

With not even slight hesitation or feelings of distrust, the brunette nodded in agreement. "Good. We shouldn't leave him out of anything."

Not another word was spoken as Francine gave a single nod of understanding and hurried back out of the room. The adrenaline that coursed through her every vein and artery pushed her forward with genuine hope for the first time in almost a year.

Only three more days passed after the Doctor had been given Francine's note with his ration of food. What happened without expectation, however, was that Echo received a note in return. After being left completely alone, she knew it to be safe and read its contents. Strong and inarticulate emotions overwhelmed her the moment she saw her lover's familiar handwriting.

'My one and only soulmate,
I wish more than anything to be saying this to you myself, but that will take awhile. I'm so very and completely sorry for everything you've had to endure, witness and experience. When we spoke last, I could think of nothing but going after the Master and ending this for good. I couldn't bear you seeing that side of me. I'll never be able to repay you for all that you've done for others, all that you've done to protect me. When this is all over, we're going on a decade long vacation. Just you and me. Together, we'll find the serenity of true peace. No matter what happens or what is forced upon us, I love you completely. I trust you now and always; who you are and who you will become. Remember that when I can't be there for you physically. I love you more than anything.'

Echo held the now cherished note to her heart with tears streaming down her face. She then laughed as she cried, realizing the tears were that of joy. The happiness she suddenly felt was so profound, so overwhelming, that it could not be contained in the slightest.

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