Chapter 68: Smith, Jones and Halifax

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Walking down another corridor, they found people starting to slump to the floor from the onset of oxygen starvation. "They've done this floor. Come on. The Judoon are logical and just a little bit thick. They won't go back to check a floor they've checked already... If we're lucky." the Doctor said as they paused for a moment.

Martha knelt down beside her doctor friend, who was giving air to a patient. "How much oxygen is there?" she asked with worried, furrowed brows.

"Not enough for all these people. We're going to run out." the woman answered tiredly, also feeling the worrisome fatigue.

"How are you feeling, my love? Everything okay?" the Time Lord then asked, noticing Echo's slightly labored breathing.

She shrugged, "I'm fine for now. But we should most definitely get a move on." she answered with a gentle smile.

When they looked at Sybil, she simply gave them a thumb's up. "I'm a tank. No worries." came her playful reply.

"What about the Judoon?" Martha asked, curious if it would affect them the same.

But the Doctor shook his head, "Nah, great big lung reserves. It won't slow them down. Where's Mister Stoker's office?"

Martha nodded, "It's this way." and led them in the correct direction.

Walking into the destined office, they found the room to be empty of anything living. "She's gone. She was here." Martha said as they then approached the dead body of Mister Stoker.

The Doctor examined him briefly, "Drained him dry. Every last drop. We were right. She's a plasmavore."

"What was she doing on Earth to begin with?" Sybil asked as she leaned against the wall with crossed arms. Her normal adventures with her best friend seemed to always run astray. She knew this time would be no different.

Echo shrugged, "Hiding, probably. But the question that should be asked is what is she doing now? I mean, the Judoon could still execute us all."

Her Doctor nodded, "You're right. Come on."

But before they could make it out of the room, Martha stopped them. "Wait a minute." She then went over to the corpse and gently closed its eyes.

Back in the corridor, they paused to figure out their next move. "Think, think, think. If I was a plasmavore surrounded by police, what would I do?" The Time Lord then noticed the sign pointing where the MRI machine was. "Ah. She's as clever as me. Almost."

"Not even close, my love." Echo grinned up at him.

Just then did they hear a crash and a scream from down the same corridor. "Find the non-human. Execute." a Judoon could be heard saying.

"Martha, stay here with Sybil. We need time. As much as you can give us. You two have got to hold them up." the Doctor said with an idea already in mind.

"Well, how do we do that?" she asked incredulously, truly at a loss of understanding.

That was when he turned to Sybil, "Forgive me, for this. But I don't really have a choice." Without warning he then licked her across the entire forehead, took Echo by the hand and ran away without saying another word. Upon seeing her disgusted and outraged expression, Martha couldn't help but laugh out loud.


As the couple walked into the MRI room cautiously, they found the large machine to be flashing and over all warping with an electric energy overload. The scanner itself also had energy dancing all over it. In the control booth, they found Florence working quickly. Staying silent, Echo then gestured for him to take the lead. She absolutely loved seeing him improvise and succeeding in the most brilliant of ways. "Have you seen them?" he then began, feigning surprised panic. "There are these things. These great big space rhino things. I mean, rhinos from space. And we're on the moon! Great big space rhinos with guns on the moon! And we only came in for my bunions. Look." he then showed the bottom of one of his feet. "I mean, all fixed now. Perfectly good treatment. The nurses were lovely. I said to my love, I said I'd recommend this place to anyone. But then we end up on the moon!" As he rambled stupidly, the older woman approached them with suspicious curiosity. "And did I mention the rhinos?"

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