Chapter 137: The Fires of Pompeii

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"Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, be strong and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
-- John Mayer


Upon arrival, another earthquake rocked the city yet again. Though, as they entered the villa, the Doctor caught a marble bust just before it could fall to the floor and be broken. "Thank you, kind sir." the male homeowner said with a relieved smile. "I'm afraid business is closed for the day. I'm expecting a visitor."

"Well, that could also be us. We're visitors. Greetings." Echo said with exaggerated happiness that came off as polite delight.

The older man looked at them with complete bewilderment. "But, who are you?"

Before another word could be said, Echo wanted to take the lead for the moment. "Ah, yes. We are Mister and Mrs. Cato and this is our handy partner in crime, Spartacus."

After introductions had been accepted, Caecilius shook his head again. "I really am sorry, but I'm not open for trade." he reiterated his original point.

"What trade would that be?" Donna wondered aloud.

Pride immediately washed over the unaware man. "Marble. Lobus Caecilius. Mining, polishing and design thereof. If you want marble, I'm your man."

The Doctor nodded as he pulled his psychic paper out of his pocket. "That's good. That's good, because we're the marble inspectors." and showed them his "credentials" before walking further into the lavish home.

"By the gods of commerce, an inspection." Caecilius's wife said in alarm. "I'm sorry. I do apologize for my son." she slyly hinted as she poured out her teenage boy's goblet of wine.

"And this is my good wife, Metella." the older human man went on. "I must confess, we're not prepared for a--"

"Nothing to worry about." the Doctor interrupted. "I'm sure you've nothing to hide."

"Although, to be fair, that particular object seems to be made of wood; is it not?" Echo went on smoothly. "For a marble merchant, I find it quite strange."

Metella glared at her husband with an 'I told you so.' expression on her face. "I told you to get rid of it." she practically snapped with a hint of annoyance.

The Roman man quickly moved forward to defend himself. "I only bought it today."

"Ah, well. Caveat emptor." the Doctor said casually, not bothered in the slightest. (translation: Let the buyer beware.)

Caecilius paused for a moment, not knowing what had been said or what had been meant. "Oh, you're Celtic. There's lovely." he commented idly, unsure on how to feel.

They all then got back down to business. "I'm sure it's fine." the Time Lord assured. "But we might have to take it off your hands for a proper inspection."

That was when Donna took advantage of the presented opportunity. "Although while we're here, wouldn't you recommend a holiday, Cato?" she asked knowingly.

Giving her a pointed look, the Doctor frowned. "I don't know what you mean, Spartacus." he said with a warning in his words.

But she wasn't about to give up. "Oh, this lovely family. Mother and father and son. Don't you think they should get out of town?" The mere thought of simply letting someone die while knowing such chaos was immanent was nothing short of heartbreaking and even horrifying.

Confusion crossed the parents' faces at the strange suggestion. "Why should we do that?"

"Well, the volcano, for starters."

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