Chapter 147: The Sontaran Stratagem

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Walking through the ATMOS factory, Martha filled them in. "It stands for Atmospheric Omission System. Fit ATMOS in your car, it reduces the CO2 emissions to zero."

Both the Doctor and Echo exchanged an uncertain look. "Zero? No carbon, none at all?" he asked in an almost surprised tone.

Donna nodded knowingly. "And you get sat-nav and twenty quid in shopping vouchers if you introduce a friend. Bargain."

"And this is where they make it." Colonel Mace added. "Shipping worldwide. Seventeen factories across the globe, but this is the central depot, sending ATMOS to every country on Earth." he explained further.

Echo nodded in understanding. "So, you think it's alien, yeah?"

"It's our job to investigate that possibility. This way." Mace replied, then led them pass paratroopers still rounding up workers and through a plastic strip curtain. Within they found an ATMOS device on the table. "And here it is, laid bare. ATMOS can be treated through any and every make of car."

"You must have checked it, before it went on sale I mean." the Time Lord said as they moved closer to the device.

Martha nodded, "We did. We found nothing. That's why I thought we needed the experts."

"Really? Who'd you get?" the Doctor asked absentmindedly, obliviously.

Echo couldn't help but roll her eyes with a shake of her head. "Us, my love. She means us."

"Ah, yes, of course. Just testing you." he sheepishly covered, making the women smile in amusement.

Only moments passed before both Martha and Colonel Mace walked out of the room, leaving them to their analysis. "Okay. So why would aliens be so keen on cleaning up our atmosphere? Do you think maybe they want to help? Get rid of pollution and stuff?" Donna inquired curiously, eager to figure out what was actually happening.

"Do you know how many cars there are on planet Earth?" the Doctor asked instead.

"Commercial vehicles sold are at 264,970. Passenger cars sold are at 727,405. So, all in all, around 992,375 in those categories, give or take." Echo answered without skipping a beat. Donna gave her an impressed look as the Doctor's eyes became momentarily dark with lustful desire. "Sorry, go on." and waved them off, realizing she could be thinking of a different dimension entirely.

"Anyway, imagine the scale of it, Donna. If you could control them, you'd have an enormous weapons stash ready to be used at any time at all." he went on, not liking the potential outcome looming over them.


After Donna had left the room to do some searching of her own both the Doctor and Echo continued with their examination of ATMOS's components. "Interesting. Ionizing nano-membrane carbon dioxide converter." she said as she flipped the device over.

"Which means that ATMOS actually works. Filters the CO2 at a molecular level." he added, so the others were able to understand.

"We know all that, but what's it's origin? Is it alien?" Colonel Mace practically demanded, knowing speed was a very important factor to their operations.

Echo shook her head as he stepped closer to her side. "Nah. Decades ahead of its time, but no." she answered easily.

The Doctor then voiced his annoyance as he noticed how close the Colonel was getting to his beloved. "Look, do you mind? Can you stand back a bit?" an out of place feeling of territorial being his main bother.

He looked at the Doctor with intense confusion. "Sorry, have I done something wrong?"

"You're carrying a gun. I don't like people with guns hanging around my Echo, all right?" the Time Lord answered without hesitation.

"If you insist." Colonel Mace then walked out of the room without another word.

Martha watched him leave with a troubled frown. "Tetchy." she commented with unashamed annoyance of her own.

"Well, it's true." he shot back, making Echo shake her head but understood his point of view and the trauma behind it.

"He's a good man." Martha tried to defend.

The Doctor kept his eyes on the device in front of them. "People with guns are usually the enemy in my books. You seem quite at home."

She frowned deeper, taking even more offense. "If anyone got me used to fighting, it's you."

"Oh right, so it's my fault."

"Well, you got me the job. And what about Echo? She has a gun and has killed countlessly." she pointed out. Such a comment made him pause in his analysis, unable to refute the observation. When she received no answer but silent contemplation, she continued. "Besides, look at me. Am I carrying a gun?"

"I suppose not." he replied, wanting desperately to be on her side.

"It's alright for you two. You can just come and go. But some of us have to stay behind. So I've got to work from the inside, and by staying inside maybe I stand a chance of making them better." she explained further, restraining her frustrations.

Such a passionate response made both Echo and her beloved Doctor smile with pride for her. "That's more like the Magnificent Martha Jones we know and love." she praised happily.

Martha, too, smiled; though in relief. "I learned from the best."

"Damn straight!" Echo chuckled, giving her a high five.

Not long after did both Donna and Colonel Mace enter the office once again. "Oi, you lot." she said with file in hand. "All your storm troopers and your sonics. Rubbish. Should've come with me."

The surprised Time Lord focused only on her. "Why? Where have you been?"

"Personnel. That's where the weird stuff's been happening; in the paperwork. Because I spent years working as a temp. I can find my way round an office blindfolded. The first thing I noticed was an empty file." she explained smugly, holding the file out as evidence.

Echo stepped closer to her. "Bravo, love. What's not inside?"

Donna's smile widened slightly, happy to have been of help no matter how miniscule. "Sick days. There aren't any. Hundreds of people working here and no one's sick. Not one hangover, man flu, sneaky little shopping trip, nothing. Not ever. They don't get ill." she elaborated further.

Colonel Mace furrowed his brow with intense confusion. "That can't be right."

She nodded, "You've been checking out the building. Should've been checking out the workforce."

Martha smiled, pleased by the information discovery. "I can see why they like you. You are good." Gratification swept through the red-head's system relentlessly.

Mace then knew of the next course of action. "Doctor Jones, set up a medical post. Start examining the workers. I'll get them sent through."

She nodded once. "Come along, Donna. Give me a hand." Without a single particle of hesitation, the women walked out; leaving the two lovers to continue with their work.

Once they were completely alone, Echo stopped and looked only at him. "I know how you feel about guns. That was just a mild example."

He sighed, "What's your point?" not sure where her thought processes were going, but anticipated a scolding nevertheless.

"Well... What about me?" He paused and looked at her, not having expected such a turn. "I carry my gun. Every chance I get. And I'm no different from those at the black market near the Flip-Dip. Hell, I used to supply anyone with devastating weapons just for money. I've killed. For revenge, for protection, and even for plain old fun. How am I any different to you, never mind our love?"

"You aren't and are different. No matter the reason, you're violence is not senseless. I see how certain things effect you and I've seen the kindness you've shown. You see things how they are, good and bad. You're far from ignorant and shallow. You are absolute and undeniable. I love you, Echo. Don't you forget that." Instead of letting her voice her self-doubts, he pulled her into a gentle and yet still enthralling kiss. One she automatically and gladly leaned into with absolute delight.

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