Chapter 88: Evolution of the Daleks

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"Fairytales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairytales tell children that dragons can be killed." 
-- G.K. Chesterson


"These humans will become like me. Prepare them for hybridization." Sec ordered, fully prepared for their next step.

As the pig-men grabbed the humans, Martha refused to be mutilated. "Leave me alone! Don't you dare!" she exclaimed fearfully.

It was in that moment, the Doctor thought quickly and turned their small, radio on. 'Happy Days are Here Again' began to loudly play, echoing around the room. "What is that sound?" Sec demanded with intense confusion.

Both the Doctor and Echo walked out into the open for all to see. "Ah, well. That would be us." he admitted, turning the radio off. He then set the device down by a Bunsen burner and walked up to Sec with his love at his side. "Hello. Surprise. Boo. Et cetera."

"Doctor. Echo." Sec said at their sudden appearance. He knew almost immediately that they'd need both travelers in order to reach triumph.

"The enemies of the Daleks. Exterminate!" Dalek Caan declared as the other two joined in with their weapons aimed at only them.

"Wait!" Sec quickly denied.

The Doctor and his beloved then moved forward a bit more. "Well, then. A new form of Dalek. Fascinating and very clever." he complimented with obvious interest.

Echo, on the other hand, gave a disgusted expression. "Of course I'd be here for your new creation. It seems only right. But, to be honest, I genuinely hate your face."

"The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter." Sec said with anger for his fellow Daleks that had been lost to the Void.

She nodded with pride at how many had been killed. "Right, yes, much fun that was. But how did you four end up here in 1930?" Echo inquired curiously.

"Emergency temporal shift." came the biped's answer.

"Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, huh?" the Doctor said in slight amusement. "Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world, but instead you're skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting. All of which results in you." In all honesty, he had no idea what to feel towards their new creation. He did know, however, that it would lead to nothing good.

"I am Dalek in human form." he commented with an almost reverent tone.

Crossing her arms, Echo stared at him with an all seeing determination in her eyes. "Tell me something. What exactly does it feel like? You can tell me, Dalek Sec. You were the first one I bestowed a name upon, after all. Tell us what it's like." she tempted.

"I feel humanity." He then quickly turned away. "I feel everything we wanted from mankind. Which is ambition, hatred, aggression and war. Such a genius for war." As Sec went on, the feelings seemed to intensify.

With a shake of his head, the Doctor immediately denied his claims. "No, that's not what humanity means."

Sec turned back around confidently. "I think it does. At heart, this species is so very Dalek."

Anger flashed through the Time Lord's mind without warning and weakness. "All right, so what have you achieved then, with this 'Final Experiment', eh? Nothing! Because I can show you what you're missing with this thing. A simple little radio." He then gestured to the small box still in place by the Bunsen burner.

Giving it a confused look, Sec voiced his incertitude. "What is the purpose of that device?"

Echo knew the time for escape had come. So, she allowed her Doctor to give them the signal at the most opportune moment. "Well, exactly. It plays music. What's the point of that? But, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it." He then took her hand into his and gave her knuckles a soft kiss with a wink. "Unless you're a Dalek, of course. This it's all just noise." In a split second, he then aimed his sonic screwdriver at the little radio. At the same time did a horrible shriek emit throughout the entire room. Sec, the other three Daleks and the pig-men cringed and practically writhed in pain from the torturous sounds. "Run!" the Time Lord exclaimed at the prisoners. Once they did as told, he and his Echo followed close behind.

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