Chapter 104: Human Nature

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"Jealousy is an inner consciousness of one's own inferiority. It is a mental cancer."
-- B.C. Forbes


Not even twenty-four hours had passed before Joan tried to make a bigger move regarding her consuming infatuation with John Smith. It was just after the shooting lesson for his class when she approached him within the school. "Hello, John. How is your day going?" she spoke politely, eager to ask the one question that was plaguing her mind.

"Oh, hello again, Matron. Today is quite pleasant. How are you?" he responded absently as they continued walking up the stairs.

Her smile grew due to the attention he was giving her; never mind how miniscule. "Please, call me Joan. I'm well, thank you. I actually wanted to ask you something, if that's okay."

He nodded, still with a distant gaze as he thought only of one person in particular. "Yes, if you like."

Anticipation trickled into her system as she proceeded. "I'm sure you've been made aware of the dance in the village. I was hoping you'd attend with me." eager for his reply.

Though, before another word could be spoken, Echo unexpectedly approached them with a calm and confident air about her. "Hello, John." Upon hearing her voice, his features immediately let up to the fullest.

Forgetting about Joan completely, he could only see his best friend. "Hello, Echo. I was looking forward to seeing you again." he admitted without a second thought.

Her own smile increased as well. "And I you. I was just on my way to have a walk through the village. Care to join me?" The complacence in her smile and antagonistic enjoyment in her eyes made Joan's glare deepen in such powerful hatred that felt impossible to quell.

"Of course, I'd enjoy that very much." he quickly agreed with a joyous nod of his head.

"Off we go, then." Echo then took his hand and led them down stairs. Though, as she passed the angered Joan, she couldn't help but wink at her. She knew she didn't have to behave in such a way. But John and the Doctor were hers and only hers. To those who would threaten that, peace is never an option.


John and his Echo walked side by side as they talked amongst themselves. "I graduated from college when I was ten and immediately delved into the sciences." she explain casually.

"Your parents must have been exceedingly proud of you." he mused, feeling incredibly impressed and even a little intimidated by her extraordinary achievement.

She shrugged, "I suppose. Though, to be honest, they wanted nothing to do with me. When they died, everything changed. Massively yet subtly."

"I'm very sorry for your loss." He did indeed feel sorrow for her, though he rained in his curiosity to know more.

"It's quite alright. It was a long time ago. My friend Sybil helped me through it. She's actually the one to have taught me how to escape through music. She even bought me my first guitar."

His eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise at the revelation. "You play the guitar? I'd love to hear it some time."

With a wave of happy anticipation, Echo nodded and linked her area with his. An action he enjoyed very much. "I would love to. Playing music for another is a joy not many can appreciate."

"Well, I'd be honored." he vowed, greatly looking forward to experiencing what she had to offer.

They were both distracted by the sound of a woman ringing her bicycle bell as she peddled along. They noticed men hoisting a piano into the air with an unnoticed fraying rope. A woman pushing a perambulator came around the corner unsuspecting. Thinking for only a second, John grabbed a cricket ball from a nearby child and threw it as hard as he could. They watched as it hit the scaffolding outside the Ironmongers; to which fell and hit a plank that sent a brick flying through the air. It hit a milk churn and caused it to fall in front of the perambulator, stopping it just in time. Milliseconds later, the rope gave up and dropped the piano mere feet away from the baby and shocked mother. "Lucky." John said with immense surprise in himself.

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