Chapter 54: Army of Ghosts

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"All those times I've been on Earth, I've never heard of you." the Doctor said as they were being led further into the building.

Yvonne smirked, "But of course not. You're the enemy. You're actually named in the Torchwood Foundation Charter of 1879 as enemies of the crown."

Echo gained a brief satisfied expression. "Fantastic." she said, genuinely pleased.

Her Doctor nodded in agreement and understanding. "1879. That was called Torchwood; that house in Scotland."

She nodded, "That's right. Queen Victoria and the werewolf." Yvonne confirmed.

"I think he makes half of it up." Jackie said, thinking back to all the outrageous things she'd experienced once he unexpectedly entered their lives. Most of them she couldn't even wrap her mind around.

"Her Majesty created the Torchwood Institute with the express intention of keeping Britain great, and fight against the alien horde." the business woman stated, in complete agreement with the idea of conquering all that they could.

Echo rolled her eyes but remained silent so they could focus on the important and not the trivial for the time being. "So if we're the enemy, does that mean that we're prisoners?" her love asked, not too concerned with the answer either way.

"Oh yes." came their immediate reply. "But we'll make you perfectly comfortable. And there is so much you can teach us. Starting with this." Just then did they walk into a very large room with a massive sphere sat motionless in mid air. "Now, what do you make of that?"

Instantly, Echo became overwhelmingly confused. She thought over every memory she had in relation to the huge safety shell. "What is that thing?" Jackie asked with a flabbergasted tone.

"We have no idea." Yvonne answered honestly, eager to have it identified.

Jackie then looked back at the sphere with an uneasy, foreboding feeling sweeping through her. "But what's wrong with it?"

"What makes you think there's something wrong with it?" one of the scientists present asked with fascination.

"I don't know." she answered honestly, then looked back up at the sphere. "It just feels weird." She couldn't quite put her finger on why, but the twinge of fear wasn't able to be ignored.

"The sphere makes everyone feel that way. Makes you want to run and hide, like it's forbidden." Yvonne said as she kept her hungry, focused eyes trained on the genius time travelers.

Rajesh, the same scientists that greeted them, nodded in agreement. "We tried analyzing it using every device imaginable." As he spoke, the Doctor looked at he ominous sphere through a simple pair of 3D glasses. Something that confused almost everyone. "But according to our instruments, the sphere doesn't exist. It weighs nothing, it doesn't age. No heat, no radiation, and has no atomic mass."

With an extremely surprised look, Jackie couldn't comprehend how it could even be seen. "But I can see it. It's there."

"Fascinating, isn't it? It upsets people because it gives off nothing. It's absent." Rajesh said; it was almost like he had heart eyes for the incredibly unknown.

"So, Echo. Any ideas?" Yvonne asked sarcastically, expecting her to be oblivious to the truth. More so hoping.

The brunette kept her eyes on the impossible object above them. "Well, I would sure as hell hope so, considering I'm the one who built the damn thing." she answered, taking everyone completely off guard.

Her Doctor whipped his head around to look at her. "Really?"

"Oh yeah. This is actually my first model." she confirmed. "It was a bitch and a half, but I was bored that weekend. So, what can you do." Echo then walked closer to the familiar capsule, sensing the danger within. "Before I had the chance to scrap it, someone or something stole it. Seeing as I didn't really care at the time, I never went on an all out man hunt for it. Even though it's been a good few hundred years, I've always kept a curious eye out in case we bumped into each other again. It's still activated, so who ever took it is still inside." she rambled without noticing.

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