Chapter 46: Fear Her

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Echo was in her 'room of design' for over six to eight hours without realizing. It was a room the Tardis had gifted her as a way for her to let her creative build up out. She'd have an onslaught of scientific ideas that usually involved dangerous activities to bring them to life. So the magnificent ship allowed her all she needed and more to achieve the impossible how she desired. She had been working on a surf board that could ride solar waves like water by splitting millions of tachyons every few seconds for a smoother ride. When the Doctor came looking for her, she only realized his arrival after he pressed play on her stereo system sitting on her work bench. Turning around and lifting her welding mask, she immediately smiled with joy when she saw him. He didn't say a word as he walked closer and took her large mask off. Her heart swelled with adoration as he then took her hand and began slow dancing with her to the music. (song above is what they dance to)
" 'I would never fall in love until I found her'
I said, 'I would never fall unless it's you I fell into'
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you..."
he sang along softly as they held each other close. Even though she was covered in grease  and dressed in a welder's covering, he still saw her as the absolutely most enchanting being to have even been or ever will exist. He felt like the luckiest man in creation to be called hers.

Not long after did they part, wanting nothing more than to go on another adventure. "How about we go see the Olympics? I'm sure Rose wouldn't mind." he suggested with a loving smile as they walked down the hall.

"Sure, sounds like a party." she agreed easily, willing to enjoy something he found joy in as well.

"I get to drive. I'll show you exactly who the better driver is here." he challenged as they neared the console room.

"My money's on Echo." they suddenly heard Rose's voice as she walked up behind them.

He frowned as his beloved began to laugh at him without shame. "Oi! I'll have you know that I am an excellent driver." he defended in an instant.

"And that's why you always leave the hand break on?" Echo shot back in a second.

He turned to her with a mock betrayed expression. "If it's a problem, then why haven't you corrected it yet?"

"Because it makes flying more fun and the sound is brilliant." she answered honestly then held her hand out to the controls. "Show me how it's done, alien boy."

Immediately gaining a large smile, her Doctor excitedly ran over to the controls to start their journey. An action that earned him giggles of amusement from both women. Their flight ended a few moments later, followed up by the Time Lord confidently walking to the doors. "You'll see, my love. Perfect parking. As always." But, instead, he found his path blocked by a blue cargo container. "Ah." he muttered, ran back to the console, and turned them ninety degrees. He then proceeded to walk back outside. "There! You see? Perfect parking."

Both Echo and Rose burst into gladdened laughter once again. "You're absolutely correct, my dear. Fantastic skills." she agreed as she linked arms with him.

"So, where are we this time?" Rose asked as her eyes looked around at their immediate surroundings.

"Thirtieth Olympiad." he answered with curiosity on where they had ended up.

Rose's expression lit up with interest. "No way! Why didn't I think of this?"

The Time Lord nodded in agreement. "Only seems like yesterday a few naked Greek blokes were tossing a discus about, wrestling each other in the sand with crowds stood around baying." He then paused for a moment. "No, wait a minute, that was Club Med." He shrugged and continued on with his first point. "Just in time for the opening doo dah, ceremony, tonight, I thought you'd like that. Last one they had in London was dynamite. Wembley, 1948. I loved it so much, I went back and watched it all over again. Fella carrying the torch. Lovely chap, what was his name?" As the Doctor rambled away, both Echo and Rose noticed a man hanging up 'Missing' posters nearby. Not caring to listen to his ramblings for the moment, the beautiful brunette walked over to her friend's side to read the paper.

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