Chapter 64: The Runaway Bride

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"We need to find out what the Empress of the Racnoss is digging up if something's buried at the planet's core; it must've been there since the beginning. That's just brilliant. Molto bene. I've always wanted to see this. Ever since we went to the Echoverse; this is just awesome." the Doctor said excitedly as he piloted the Tardis. Echo, however, was sitting next to the devastated but composed Donna. She wanted to give her comfort, not pity. "We've arrived, want to see?" he then asked of them, knowing distraction always worked.

When the human woman didn't say anything, his love tried as well. "Come on. No human's ever seen this before. You'd be the perfect first."

Donna sighed heavily and met her gaze. "All I want to see is my bed."

The brunette smiled lovingly, "And you shall. But not yet." She then took her by the hand and proceeded to lead her to the front doors. "Donna Noble, welcome to the birth of your Earth."

Upon opening the doors, they were met with lumps of rock floating around a dust covered sun. It was magnificent as hazy colors surrounded them. "We've gone back four point six billion years. There's no solar system, not yet. Only dust and rocks and gas. That's the Sun, over there. Brand new. Just beginning to burn." the Doctor explained.

"Where's the Earth?" Donna asked with wonder and amazement shining in her eyes.

"All around us. In the dust." he answered. Both of them were happy with her less pained expression, though unsure on how to maintain such a mindset.

"Puts the wedding in perspective. Lance was right. We're just tiny." Donna said in awe.

"Please don't speak of such a wretch in that kind of a manner." Echo said with a playful smile. Something Donna needed in that moment.

"That's what you do, though. The human race makes sense out of the chaos. Marking it out with weddings and Christmas and calendars. This whole process is beautiful, but only if it's being observed." the Doctor explained as he gazed out at the majesty of the universe.

Donna nodded a little. "So I came out of all this?"

He smirked down at her, "Isn't that brilliant?"

She returned his grin, though not completely. A large rock then went drifting by. "I think that's the Isle of Wight."

They all then shared a chuckle as they looked back out at the clouds of matter. "Eventually, gravity takes hold." he then went on. "Say, one big rock, heavier than the others, starts to pull other rocks towards it. All the dust and gas and elements get pulled in. Everything, piling in until you get--"

"The Earth." Donna finished, her smile growing without realizing.

"The question is, what was that first rock?" Echo then wondered. When the Doctor looked over at her, he couldn't help but feel utterly captivated. She stood there with a hypnotizing gaze that reflected the beauty that was almost her equal. He felt hypnotized, to say the least. "Whelp, guess we have our answer."  she then said, gaining his attention.

Just then, a seven pointed star shaped ship came out of the dust cloud. "The Racnoss. They're hiding from the war. What're they doing?"

"Exactly what you said." Donna answered as the rock and dust around them began to be attracted to the spaceship.

"Oh." he said in realization. "They didn't just bury something at the center of the Earth. They became the center of the Earth. The first rock." 

Suddenly, the Tardis went Bang! with a flash of sparks from the console. "What was that?" Donna quickly asked as the doors were immediately closed by Echo. "What the hell's it doing?"

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