Chapter 32: The Impossible Planet

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"Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place."
-- Mandy Hale


The Tardis materialized in a small cupboard like room, her engines making unusual sounds of protest the whole way there. But she knew all to well of the importance of having her thief and his goddess go up against one of the most devious, dangerous and last Eternals in the whole of creation. As they walked out, the Doctor began consoling his beloved Tardis. "I don't know what's wrong. She's sort of queasy. Indigestion? Almost as if she didn't want to land." he hypothesized curiosity.

Echo's grin widened with excitement. "Even better. I love it when we don't know." she happily said as her eyes looked around at their confined space. "I say we go through here." then opened the only door available with curiosity fueling her racing mind.

"Open door fifteen." said a computer automated tannoy.

"Some sort of base." the Doctor began, until Echo continued without realizing.

"Moon base? No, not quite. Too loud. Sea base? Wouldn't make sense seeing the material this place is made of. Definitely some sort of  space base. These are build out of kits." she explained absentmindedly, her scattered mind taking the wheel for a moment. "But what's that sound outside? Doesn't sound like a typical storm being contained within a planet's atmosphere."

"Close door fifteen."

"Then what do you think it is?" Rose asked curiously as her eyes roamed around at her new surroundings.

"Open door sixteen."

"Human design." the Doctor said as he, too, analyzed all that he could. 

"Close door sixteen."

"You've got a thing about kits. This place was put together like a flat pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier." he explained as they continued on their way in search of anyone they could find.

"Open door seventeen." 

As they walked into Habitation three, they then found areas for simple living and what not. "Oh, it's sanctuary base." the Time Lord commented as the facts connected.

"Close door seventeen."

"Deep space exploration. We've gone way out. And listen to that underneath." the Doctor said as he, too, listened. "Someone's drilling."

"Welcome to Hell." Rose suddenly said, to which immediately prompted both Echo and her Doctor to look at the blonde, then the writing on wall. The moment the brunette's eyes landed on those, old, familiar, ancient symbols, Echo felt nothing but inarticulable caution and wariness. She recognized the writing. But she also knew what could happen if she were to speak the lost language of the Eternals. It was a language that existed long before this universe itself was created.

"Oh, it's not that bad." the Time Lord said, not quite noticing Echo's cautious stance.

Rose chuckled, "No, over there." she corrected so he could see the ancient text on the wall.

The words were painted on in large, black symbols, as well as a vertical alien script underneath. "Hold on." the Doctor said in confusion. "What does that say? That's weird. It won't translate." he pointed out.

Rose looked at him with immediate confusion. "But I thought the Tardis translated everything, writing and all. We should see English." she said, though sadly, the answer would mean much worse was coming their way.

"Exactly. If that's not working, then it means this writing is old. Very old. Impossibly old." He then stood straight. "We should find out who's in charge."

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