Chapter 128: Voyage of the Damned

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As they approached a man in a tweed suit holding a sign, Astrid came up to the curious couple just in time. "I got you those drinks." she said happily.

"Stick with us and act natural." Echo said quietly, took her hand and walked over to the human man.

The Doctor held his psychic paper up for proof. "Two for Red Six Seven plus one." he informed confidently.

The man nodded in acceptance. "Quickly, if you please. Take three teleport bracelets for departure." he instructed as they did as told.

Astrid looked at them with yearning disbelief as she was given her device. "But I'll get the sack." she quietly worried aloud but fastened it in place anyway.

"Only if they find out. And if they do, they'll have to deal with us." Echo assured with glee. "Come on. You said it yourself. Brand new sky." 

Allowing the coercion to take it destined effect, her smile was full of happy anticipation. "To repeat." the older man in tweed spoke to the entire group. "I am Mister Copper, the ship's historian, and I shall be taking you to old London town in the country of UK; ruled over by good King Wenceslas." As he explained, both Echo and her love shared amused and confused looks but continued listening for the time being. "Now, human beings worship the great god Santa a creature with fearsome claws, and his wife Mary. And every Christmas Eve, the people of UK go to war with the country of Turkey. They then eat the Turkey people for Christmas dinner like savages." he went on in an almost passionate manner.

When Echo snorted with quiet laughter, the Doctor raised his hand. "Excuse me. Sorry, sorry, but, er... Where did you get all this from exactly?"

"Well, I have a first class degree in Earthonomics." Mister Copper informed while remaining professionally composed. "Now, stand by."

Just then did the small, red alien quickly joined the departure group. "And me! And me! Red Six Seven."

The elder man immediately gave him a bracelet as well. "But, er, hold on, hold on. What was your name?" the Doctor inquired with a bit of concern.


He nodded in understanding. "Okay, Bannakaffalatta. But it's Christmas Eve down there. Late night shopping, tons of people. He's like a talking conker. No offence, but you'll cause a riot. The streets are going to be packed with shoppers and parties and--" they were then gone.

In less than a second, they all found themselves in an empty shopping street. "Now, spending money. I have a credit card in Earth currency if you want to buy trinkets, or stockings, or the local delicacy; which is known as beef. But don't stray too far, it could be dangerous."

Both Echo and the Doctor looked around with intense surprise. "It should be full. It should be busy. Something's wrong." to which made her nod.

"But it's beautiful." Astrid practically gushed as she drank in as many details of her surroundings like a blind man seeing for the first time.

Echo shrugged, "I suppose. Though, this is nothing compared to certain wild lands. The Grand Canyon, the pyramids, the Alps." she spoke indifferently.

But the bewildered blonde wouldn't let her mood be dampered. "But it's a different planet. I'm standing on a different planet! There's concrete and shops. Real alien shops! And it smells. It stinks! Oh, this is amazing. Thank you both so much."

The Doctor smiled fondly at the reaction and held his love's hand. "Come on, then. Let's have a closer look."

As they walked down the street, Echo steered them straight to the only "native" to be seen; an elderly man. "Greetings, good sir. I was wondering if you know why this place is deserted." she kindly asked.

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