Chapter 110: Blink

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There is something special about sleeping next to someone

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There is something special about sleeping next to someone... about sharing blankets and body heat. To bare your soul in a cover of darkness, knowing no judgment will take place; because everyone becomes vulnerable when they sleep. The darkness is so heavy and safe as you hear the soft heart beat(s) of your lover, providing comfort and solidifying your love for one another.

Much to her satisfaction, Echo awoke with the comforting arms of her beloved Doctor wrapped around her naked body. Keeping her eyes closed, she basked their perfect slice of time and wanted it to continue just a bit longer. Her smile grew as she felt his fingers softly trail down the contours of her spine. To which erupted enjoyable goosebumps left in the wake of his all too consuming touch. She would have been happy to simply lay there with nothing but serenity and her love being present.

But, of course, their peace was interrupted by the sound of Echo's interdimensional phone ringing on the nightstand. With an annoyed groan, she reached over and grabbed the infernal device from their night stand. "What it do?"

"I got a job for you, if you're interested." she immediately heard Sybil's voice come through.

She rolled her eyes and laid back down. "Location and severity."

"Earth. A group of Bliznarvians got the jump on me. They made off with six gem stones to aid them during Red Hatching. I figured you'd get there faster."

Echo chuckled with amusement. "No, you're just lazy. But don't you worry that crazy head of yours. I'm on it." She then hung up and snuggled closer to her Doctor, wanting nothing more than to relax with him longer.

"We have another job?" he asked curiously, equally desiring to beguile their intimate moment as well.

"We live in a time machine. We don't have to do shit." she answered rebelliously.

He couldn't stop his laugh as he kissed the top of her head. "The sooner we take care of it, the sooner the fun can begin." he coaxed with growing interest.

"Fiiine. I suppose it's time to get up any way. Wouldn't want Martha getting bored." she playfully responded and sat up.

When she got out of bed completely, the Doctor couldn't help but admire her bodily beauty with eternal awe and adoration. He had no idea how he was allowed to be hers; intensely grateful for her irreplaceable presence in his life. He belonged to her and vice versa.

 He belonged to her and vice versa

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(their "lizard")

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(their "lizard")


After they had received deeper specifics, the three travelers located the four Bliznarvians to Earth. It didn't take long for them to trace their secret hideout they used as base camp. Though, the job became even more interesting when they discovered the motives behind their robbery of Sybil. Turns out, the scavengers planned on purchasing a prehistoric killing machine to get an unfair advantage over their Red Hatching tournament. 

They parked their Tardis at an abandoned house on Wester Drumlin and proceeded to take a taxi to the necessary location according to their sensors. Martha was carrying a quiver full of arrows, the Doctor carried the long bow and Echo stuck with her blaster.

As they got out of the vehicle, however, they were unexpectedly stopped by a beautiful blonde woman. "Doctor! Echo!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Hello. Sorry, bit of a rush. There's a sort of thing happening. Fairly important we stop it." he said, not wanting to miss their opportunity.

But the woman wasn't finished with her astoundment. "My God, it's you. It really is you. Oh, you don't remember me, do you?"

Martha, too, felt the pressure they were under. "Guys, we don't have time for this. The migration's started."

"She's right, my love. We'd better hurry." Echo agreed, though wasn't too worried with their chances of success.

He then turned back to the blonde woman. "Look, sorry, we've got a bit of a complex life. Things don't always happen to us in quite the right order. Gets a bit confusing at times. Especially at weddings. Though, I'm confident in my own." he explained.

"Oh, my God. Of course. You're time travelers. It hasn't happened to you yet. None of it." she realized, surprised by the revelation.

Echo gave her a confused expression and her full attention. "What's going to happen exactly?" hoping for not an ounce of dismay to be caused.

"We have to go. Only twenty minutes to Red Hatching." Martha pressed again, eager to complete their task successfully.

"It was me. Oh, for God's sake, it was me all along. You got it all from me." When she noticed the dumbfounded looks they had and their need to leave, the blonde knew to explain a little more. "Okay, listen. One day you're going to get stuck in 1969. Make sure you've got this with you. You're going to need it." then handed over a purple file of documents.

"Guys!" their companion persisted with great impatience.

"Yeah, listen, listen, got to dash. Things happening. Well, four things. Well, four things and a lizard." the Doctor said, knowing their time was rapidly slipping away.

The woman nodded with an understanding smile. "Okay, no worries. On you go. See you around some day."

"What was your name?"

"Sally Sparrow."

Echo then shook her hand with an appreciative smile. "Looking forward to it, Sally Sparrow."

Just then, a man carrying milk approached them with an over all stunned expression of disbelief. Sally took his hand in hers without hesitation and clear satisfied closure. "Goodbye, Doctor, Echo."

After the couple had walked back into their DVD store, the three travelers sprinted away as Echo guided them with the help of her watch. The strangest part, however, was that they were led right back to the abandoned house they'd arrived at on Wester Drumlin. "This doesn't make sense." she muttered as they entered with caution for the first time.

Within were plastic covered chandeliers resting on the floors, along with other pieces of forgotten furniture. Everything was in a ramshackle state and covered in years worth of grime. As they moved through each room they came upon, they all felt a strong foreboding aura to the entirety of their surroundings. Martha couldn't help but feel an uneasy chill flow through her spine like a waterfall of bad omens.

They'd only been in the house for over five minutes before strange occurrences began to happen around them. Footsteps could be heard in rooms they weren't present in but had deemed them uninhabited. The readings on Echo's watch gave off unusual  energy signatures in every empty space they came upon. "You know what? I'm going to go grab my portal gun. Just in case."

Little did they know, she'd never make it to the Tardis.

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