Chapter 06: Tooth and Claw

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As the Doctor analyzed the carving of mistletoe on the door, he looked back over to the man sitting on the other side of the room. "Mistletoe. Sir Robert, did your father put that there?"

"I don't know. I suppose." he answered slowly, not sure why it was relevant. 

"On the other door, too. But I highly doubt that a carving could keep that thing out." Echo said as she spoke her thoughts.

"I wonder." He then moved towards the door and licked the wood. "Viscum album, the oil of the mistletoe. It's been worked into the wood like a varnish. How clever was your dad? I love him. Powerful stuff, mistletoe. Bursting with lectins and viscotoxins." he explained as he saw Rose's confused expression.

"So, the wolf's allergic to it?" she asked.

"Well, it thinks it is. The monkey monk monks need a way of controlling the wolf." he replied as he tried to piece it together.

"Then they obviously trained it to react against certain things. Maybe we could we that to our advantage." Echo added, hoping he now approved of her help.

Sir Robert then stood and kept his eyes on them. "Nevertheless, that creature won't give up and we still don't possess an actual weapon." 

"Oh, your father got all the brains, didn't he?" the Doctor asked with disappointment at his statement.

"Being rude again." Rose pointed out with a smile, trying to hint to him to behave.

"Good. I meant that one." he said, his eyes still on Robert, then walked over to the book shelves. "You want weapons? We're in a library. Books! Best weapons in the world. This room's the greatest arsenal we could have." He then handed some books to Rose and Echo. "Arm yourselves."

As they then looked through book after book, except the Queen of course, they searched for anything and everything that could help them. "Biology, zoology. There might be something on wolves in here." Rose suggested as she flipped through some of the pages.

Echo was looking through one of the history books when she found something that looked particularly interesting. "Look what your father found. Something fell to Earth around three hundred years ago." she said as she moved the book over for them to see.

"A spaceship?" Rose asked, not quite understanding.

"A shooting star." Sir Robert said, then began to read below the picture. " 'In the year of our Lord 1540, under the reign of King James the Fifth, an almighty fire did burn in the pit.' That's the Glen of Saint Catherine just by the monastery."

"But, like Echo said. That was over three hundred years ago. What's it been waiting for?" Rose asked the Doctor as he thought over all the information he had.

"Maybe just a single cell survived. Adapting slowly down the generations, it survived through the humans, host after host after host." he theorized, his mind running rampant. 

"But why does it want the throne?" Robert asked, also wanting to figure out what was happening.

"That's what it wants." Rose said quickly. "It said so. The, the Empire of the Wolf."

"Oh shit... Imagine it. The Victorian Age accelerated before its time. Starships and missiles fueled by coal and driven by steam, leaving the history of this entire universe devastated in its wake." Echo said with vacant eyes, seeing everything that would happen if this was allowed to happen.

"Sir Robert, if I am to die here--" the Queen began, only to get interrupted.

"Don't say that, Your Majesty." he was quick to deny her even the thought of death.

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