Chapter 150: The Poison Sky

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With a roll of her eyes, Echo looked at her watch, changed the setting, and scanned the car door. In seconds, the door disintegrated right before their eyes. Without hesitation, Donna quickly helped her grandad out of the spewing vehicle. "Thank you." he kept saying, grateful for their swift actions.

"Don't worry about it, Wilf. Make sure to stay inside and seal off the doors and windows the best you can." Echo replied, wanting them to stay as safe as possible.

Just then did Ross come running up to them. "I couldn't find anything. They've all got ATMOS." he said in dismay.

She shrugged without concern. "That's fine. I've got my portal gun. Donna, you coming?"

"Yeah." she agreed instantly, wanting nothing more than to help where she could.

But Sylvia gave her an incredulous look. "Donna. Don't go. Look what happens every time those two appear. Stay with us, please." she pleaded, not an ounce of care for understanding the whole truth.

Wilf, on the other hand, had other ideas. "You go, my darling."


"Don't listen to her. You go with them. That's my girl." Wilf urged. Echo then shot a portal on the ground and waited for everyone to hop in before her. "Bye."

"Don't you worry. We'll take care of this." then hopped in herself before the portal closed.

Seconds later, they found themselves back in the industrial estate outside the ATMOS factory. "Ross, look after yourself. Get inside the building." the Doctor advised.

He nodded. "Will do." then used his walkie-talkie. "Greyhound Forty to Trap One. Just returned with the Doctor and Echo to base safe and sound. Over." and ran inside to help where he could.

Donna coughed with a disgusted grimace. "The air is disgusting."

"It's not so bad for us. I could make you a specialized gas mask, but it would take too long." Echo said with a frown.

The Doctor nodded, "Why don't you get inside the Tardis. Should be safer for you in there. Oh! We've never given you a key. There you go, you can keep that. Quite a big moment really." he then said with a happy smile.

Donna, feeling extremely grateful, nodded. "Yeah, maybe we can get sentimental after the world's finished choking to death." she suggested.

"Very well, but there will be good times to be had." Echo then gave her a reassuring kiss on the cheek before the lovers turned to run into the mobile HQ.

"Where are you two going?" their human friend quickly asked in confusion.

"To stop a war. Stay safe!" he answered, then continued on their way as Donna let herself into the magnificent blue ship. When they both walked into the room of planning, they immediately took over. "Right then, here we are. Good. Whatever you do, Colonel Mace, do not engage the Sontarans in battle. There's nothing they like better than a war. Just leave this to Echo and I."

The Colonel gave them an uncertain look. "And what are you going to do?"

"We've got the Tardis and Echo's portal gun. We're going to get on board their ship." He then went over to Martha, "Come on." and led them back outside.

When they made it to where their incredible ship was, they found nothing but a vacant space. "But where's the Tardis?" their supposed friend questioned.

Echo grimaced as she noticed something gross. "Do you taste that? It reminds me of the Isolus but different."

Her Doctor nodded with a similar expression. "Yeah, that metal tang? Teleport exchange. It's the Sontarans. They've taken it."

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