Chapter 33: The Impossible Planet

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It's Okay
(Original poem written by yours truly)

Not everyone can be the hero
'Tis the truest of facts
But you must take a stand
Especially when no one else can
Commit only the kindest of acts

Never give up, never give in
There is no shame in being scared
The fear can make you strong
Never apologize as though it's wrong
For the truly rich are those that cared


"The surface caved in." the man behind the controls informed as he quickly continued to press buttons and what not. "I deflected it onto storage five through eight. We've lost them completely. Toby, go and check the rocket link." he said with a final tone, making the sir leave without a bothered word.

"Oxygen holding. Internal gravity fifty six point six. We should be okay." another attractive woman said as she checked on their technological well-being.

They then heard the violent sounds from outside the base intensify intermittently. "Never mind the earthquake. That's one hell of a storm. What is that? A hurricane?" she asked curiously.

"You'd need an atmosphere for a hurricane. There's no air out there. It's complete vacuum." Upon hearing such news, the time travelers shared an unknowing, confused look.

Echo then crossed her arms, hiding her unease like the professional she was. "Then what, pray tell, is going on out there?" she asked carefully.

"You're not joking. You really don't know." Upon seeing the brunette's expecting expression, she then nodded. "Well, introductions. FYI, as they say in the old days. I'm Ida Scott, science officer. That's Zachary Cross Flane, acting Captain, sir. You've met Mister Jefferson; he's Head of Security. Danny Bartock, Ethics committee." she introduced.

Danny then leaned closer to Echo with a flirtatious smirk directed at her. "It's not as boring as it sounds. I can dumb it down for you so you could understand better." he offered with great ignorance lacing each letter of his spoken words.

Not seeing the Doctor's murderous expression, Echo stepped away from the human sir with great detestation. "Tread carefully." she practically growled in warning, then stood beside her beloved without hesitation. In the same movement, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders protectively, possessively.

They then looked back to Ida. "Okay, erm..., the man who just left, that was Toby Zed, Archaeology. This is Scooti Manista, Trainee maintenance. And this? This is home." She then walked over to a nearby lever.

Zach watched them carefully and with slight concern. "Brace yourselves. The sight of it sends some people mad."

Unable to remain silent, Echo's grin widened, "Not a problem at all. Sometimes going mad is the only sane thing to do." Just then, the shutters overhead slowly pulled back. Before them was a white hot, viscously angry disc with an impossibly black center. In the distance were insignificant black dots falling into the abyss. "Awesome." was the first word to be released, her smile widening further.

"That's a black hole." Rose said with fearful and intense confusion and realization clear in her voice.

The blonde wasn't the only one who felt overwhelming, concerning disbelief. "But that's impossible." the Time Lord muttered.

"I know, right? I love it when that happens." Echo said with mild amusement.

"I did warn you." Zach sighed quietly, anticipating them to completely panic. Perhaps it was a delayed reaction?

Echo felt transfixed by the horribly beautiful force of destruction. "We're standing under a black hole." he added. The brunette dimension hopper's joyous, fearless and over all fascinated sense of awe gave off a confidant aura. Rose, however, felt her anxiety rise with each passing moment.

"In orbit." Ida clarified.

"Ooooooh, even better." Echo said happily.

"But we can't be." the Time Lord insisted and set her adorable comments out of his mind for the time being, thinking of nothing but his girls' safety.

"This lump of rock is suspended in perpetual geostationary orbit around that black hole without falling in. Discuss." Ida replied seriously, slightly hoping the time travelers could help them figure out why the impossible had been achieved.

"And that's bad, yeah?" Rose inquired, wanting to understand as much of their situation as possible.

The Doctor stared at the inconceivably powerful entity. "Bad doesn't cover it. A black hole is a dead star. It collapses in on itself. In and in and in until the matter's so dense and tight that it starts to pull everything else in, too. Nothing in the universe can escape its will. Light, gravity, even time. Everything just get pulled inside and crushed." he explained darkly.

"So, we can't be in orbit. We should be pulled right in." she finally grasped what he was telling them.

"We should be dead." the Doctor confirmed darkly, taking Echo's hand in his own without even thinking of doing so.

"And yet, here we are." Ida countered with similar feelings as the blonde. "Beyond the laws of physics. Welcome aboard."

Rose's brow furrowed as she pointed to different parts of the lit up space. "But, if there's no atmosphere out there, then what's that outside?"

"Hmm..." Echo began before anyone else had the chance. "I'd say it's physical objects and debris being sucked up into nothing. Stars getting ripped to shreds, gas clouds dispersing and going with the flow, directly towards the black hole." she explained gaily.

Ida then adopted a wary expression caused by the dimension hopper's lack of care or empathy. Though Echo's mind was indeed racing with half possibilities and minimalistic theories. "We have whole solar systems being shredded right above our heads, before falling into that thing." the science officer informed.

"So... A bit worse than a storm, then." Rose piped in with a hint of sarcasm in her words.

"Just a bit, yeah." Ida replied with a gentle smile, glad for the blonde not losing her mind to mania. Echo, on the other hand, was still remembering the first time she turned a black hole back into a star. Even though it was a one in one trillion chance at success, she always felt the strong urge to meddle with the impossible. Though, this time, she could sense something different. Something other. Something beyond powerful nearby. Without an ounce of doubt or hesitation, Echo made sure to set all reason aside to make room for her to focus and distract her mind from her intrusive, inarticulate theories.


Wut it do, homies. its ya boi, zeh author. i just wanted to know what you think of the story so far and if I should go back and fix anything (or if you just have suggestions and what not). All I ask is that you remain respectful when sharing opinions and criticism towards me, the story itself, and all the other readers that wish to enjoy my crappy little  ideas. pece :)

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