Chapter 04: Tooth and Claw

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Once inside, the Doctor put the Tardis into the time vortex, then turned towards Echo with an unreadable expression. "Are you really, The Echo? The only one to still be able to pass through different dimensions with ease?" he asked quietly. Rose watched them with great interest. Obviously this strange woman was someone of great power and importance. But who was she to the Doctor?

Echo sighed and leaned against one side of the console. "Yes. I've been traveling through dimensions so long I don't remember which one I originated from. Parallel universes can be a bitch. But it's the most fun there is, so what can you do?" she asked rhetorically.

"Really? What have you been up to? What's it like?" Rose asked with growing interest, inquisitiveness slowly flourishing within her.

"Well, one time I recovered a plasma shard in the Abadango Cluster. A princess wanted it. But between you guys and me, I'm sure she just fancied me." This comment made both of them chuckle with amusement. 

"I'd be honored if you'd travel with us." the Doctor said with a grin and an excited twinkle to his eyes. 

Echo studied him closely, then nodded and shrugged. "I got nothing better to do. Why not." 

His smile then grew larger as he practically bounced around the console. "Oh, we're going to have so much fun. I have so many places I want to show you. But what I want to know, is what have you seen? Because I grew up hearing about your adventures since I was at least 80 years old. I always thought you were just a myth! But myths are always based off an inkling of truth, isn't that right?" he rambled at top speed, his excitement making both women smile fondly at his antics.

"How about we let Rose here rest and you and I can talk about anything and everything you desire. I know humans need at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep. That should give us enough time to get to know each other a little." Echo suggested with a calm smile, already sensing that he was normally this hyper. 

"That's a fantastic idea! Of course. I can show you the library. Or the kitchen if you're feeling hungry. Or if you're bored, we can go to the arcade. Which ever you want." he spoke quickly, overwhelmed with the fact that The Echo was real and she was standing before him. 

She chuckled and shook her head, "How about we go to the library. It should be nice and quiet there for us to converse. But calm down. I'm just a normal being. Sure I can do what no one else can, but that doesn't mean that I'm better than anybody else. So don't treat me as such." Echo then gestured towards the hallway as Rose began walking towards her room down the same hall. The Doctor then walked over to her, took her hand in his, and led her towards the library. 

They ended up talking about all the things she had done in different dimensions. The time she had created an entire dimension just for her to get away from all the other realities she had come across. The time she had helped an entire civilization evolve just so she could get their prized 'God Stone' also known as Isotope 317 for her experiments. She even told him of the time she took control of an entire galaxy just to win a bet. "He then said, 'Well, it looks like you're out of time.' So, without hesitation, I yell back; 'Yeah? And it looks like you're full of shit!' then I emptied my flask into the engine and I take off like a bullet." she finished off her story with a giggle and sat back down after acting out certain scenarios, the Doctor joining in laughing with her. Never before had she been able to connect with anyone so quickly and so completely. Never before had be been so enthralled in someone so unique.

"How do you always have a way of topping my stories? It's amazing. Some of the places and people you've met, I've never even thought could exist." he admitted without care, happy to be learning new and amazing things that he thought were impossible. "There are stories that you're this evil sorceress. That you even hold the power to turn a black hole back into a star." 

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now