Chapter 43: Task Completion

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"There is no terror in the bang of a gun; only the anticipation of it."
-- Alfred Hitchcock


Turns out, their mission to track down the escaped Elemental Shade proved to be an incredibly annoying task. The only way Echo knew how to detect this specific being she couldn't see, hear, smell or touch was to look for the empty spaces. Dead spots, as she called them. Such spots were uniquely created by the improbable entities. Their presence alone was enough to kill every form of energy in any spatial location they inhabit. Though, the difficult level was like finding a particularly specific needle in a stack of needles.

They traveled through dimension after dimension as was desired. Most of Rose's questions were of the brunette's run-ins with other Echos. She was fascinated by the idea of interacting with other selves. The Doctor, on the other hand, was more so curious about what a 'gromflomite' was.

"They're basically insectoid headaches from the planet Gromflom Prime. They compromise the entire upper echelon of a good few dimensions' Galactic Federal government; as well as most of its military. In all of them am I or a version of me, been labeled 'Most Wanted' for being a terrorist." she explained with a slight air of smugness behind her words.

"Really? Why do they see you as a terrorist?" Rose asked with joyous shock and intrigue overwhelming her.

Echo shrugged as she checked her scanner in her watch. "They see right and wrong one way, I see it another. Seeing as I am undoubtedly superior compared to them, I've decided to ignore all the silly laws they think they can impose on others." Just then did a bleeping sound begin to emanate from her wrist. "Hell yeah! Time to get down and dirty. 'Bout time." she then said, much to their amusement. Echo shot her fifth portal that hour, then walked through without a second's worth of hesitation. 

They then found themselves back on Earth in their home dimension. The night sky robbed their surroundings of their color, while the light of the moon bleached the rest. In front of them was a quaint little home with only one life sign within. "It's still here." she whispered in virtual silence. "Rose, you stay out here in case it escapes. If it does, don't try and stop it in any way, shape, or form. Don't even let it see you. Just notify us if you can and we'll come running." After the blonde nodded in understanding, Echo then turned to her beloved Time Lord. "You, my love, will watch my back while I locate the Shade. But don't get involved unless absolutely necessary."

Once they were completely ready, Echo and her soulmate then entered the eerily silent home. With blaster in hand and ready for any possible attacks they couldn't yet see, he allowed her to take the lead as he scanned around here and there with his sonic screwdriver. He also noticed what she meant by 'dead spots'. He, too, could sense the unnatural phenomenon of dying atoms, molecules, and everything else affected by the Elemental Shade's presence. Seeing the high concentration of dead spots could only indicate one thing. It was most definitely still there.

When Echo and her Doctor silently walked up to the home's back door, the beautiful brunette knelt down after stopping him from using his sonic on the lock. She knew for certain that the whirling sound would give them away. With great fascination did he watch her quickly pick the lock with two metal tools, to which quickly gave them access to the inside.

Only four seconds passed them by before the door was opened. Without making even the slightest noise, they then entered and began scanning every inch of each room they came upon. What surprised her most was the immense frequency of the dead spots she found. To which was greatly concerning. It had been there for a while. Something uncommon when deal within a Shade.

As they walked into the living room, they were immediately shocked by what was waiting for them. A young woman, still dressed in her sleep wear, was suspended in mid-air. Her skin was greyish purple and her face was contorted in a mask of nothing but pure fear and agony.

After only a few seconds of standing in shock, Echo sent out a neutrino energy blast throughout the entire room to cancel out the Shade's energy readings. Just then did the silhouette of a very inhuman being could be seen. There was an almost demonic screech as the silhouette disintegrated; almost as though it were made of fiery embers and ash.

The moment the improbable creature had disappeared completely, the suspended woman dropped to the floor with a thud and remained deathly motionless. Echo took a deep breath with disappointment. Without saying a word, she then walked over to the dead woman and closed her eyes for her. "Welp, that settles it." She then stood and walked back over to her love. "I'm not helping out another Echo for a good while." Her Doctor then softly pulled her into a loving, comforting embrace.

A young boy around the age of six to eight unexpectedly walked into the room with tired curiosity. "Mummy?" he asked, not noticing the deceased woman mere feet from where he stood hidden in the shadows.

Echo looked at the child with a somber expression, feeling great empathy for his irreversibly changed life. Without hesitation did she walk towards him, turned him away from the direction of his slain mother and knelt down before him so as to look him in the yes properly. "Hello, young one. It's really quite late. You should go back to bed." she spoke in a kind, soft tone.

"Where's Mummy? Who are you?" he asked just as quietly, confusion clouding his sleep addled mind.

"She's--... She'll always be watching over you." she hesitantly spoke, not wanting to disturb the child. "Just remember; it's not about being good or evil. it's not about being fair. Sometimes, it just is." She truly did feel bad for him, but she also knew all too well of the hex everyone must deal with at one point or another. It's the curse of the living to remember all those who have gone. To continue through the sharp torment of life with nothing but memories and a hardened heart caused by weathering one too many emotional winters.

Standing straight once more, Echo then pulled out her phone and quickly dialed. "749 Olive Dr. Someone's been killed. Her son is here as well. He has been unharmed. Come quickly." She then ended the call and put her phone away. "You should go back to your room and wait until the police get here. Okay?" Giving her an unsure expression, the young boy slowly turned and walked back in the direction of his bedroom, just as he was told. She then turned back to her love, took his hand in hers, and led them away. "Let's go get Rose and get out of here."

He nodded in agreement. "Good idea."

The moment they came out the back door, Rose came running up to them with wide eyes. "Shh! There are these bug things with guns out front." she quickly whispered, knowing they were in trouble.

Echo rolled her eyes, "Of course, there is." she grumbled. Putting her blaster away, she then pulled out her portal gun and typed in the correct coordinates. "I absolutely refuse to deal with those assholes right now." Only moments later did she shoot a portal onto the ground. After making sure her companions had entered first, Echo then hopped in as well.

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