Chapter 95: The Lazarus Experiment

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Pipes and background wiring surrounded them as they clambered their way through the basement, staying as vigilant as they could. "It's no good, Doctor and Echo. You can't stop me." Lazarus taunted with a sinister inflection to his words.

"Is that the same arrogance you had when you swore nothing had gone wrong with your device?" the Time Lord questioned back as his love worked as quickly as she could on her watch.

"The arrogance is yours. You can't stand in the way of progress." The level of delusion this mutated old man had was nothing new to them. 

Both Echo and the Doctor were similar in many ways. But, unlike him, her personal course of action would be to simply kill it with some form of explosive; wanting an interesting death. She knew for certain she wouldn't due to her beloved being present. Though, that didn't mean the urge wasn't still there. "You call feeding on innocent people progress? You're delusional."

"It is a necessary sacrifice."

Echo rolled her eyes. "You're not the one that gets to make that decision."

Just as they were about to round another corner, they looked up to find the large mutant hanging from the ceiling. "Peek-a-boo." it taunted as they made eye contact.

"Well, damn." Without hesitation did she grab her love's hand and sprinted down another corridor.

Just as they came to another laboratory, the Doctor jumped up onto a bench and started to take a light fitting apart. As he went to work, Echo turned on a Bunsen burner and snuffed out the flame. She then also pulled another tube off a gas fitting and turned the gas on. Just as the Doctor pulled her down behind another bench, Lazarus came into the room. "More hide and seek? How disappointing? Why don't you two come out and face me?"

They both turned on as much gas on as they could. "Have you looked in the mirror lately? Why would we want to face that, hmm?" the Doctor questioned as he stood to draw attention and Echo snuck her way towards the exit without being seen. Only moments later did he run to the same back door and hit the lights just as they left. KaBOOM went the laboratory.

As they sprinted down the corridor, they unexpectedly ran into Martha. "What are you doing here?" Echo asked, having expected her to stay with her family.

"I'm returning this. I thought you might need it." she said as she returned the sonic screwdriver.

"How did you--" he was about to ask.

"I heard the explosion. I guessed it was you."

"We got to blast Lazarus. Good fun." Echo replied with a smile.

"Did you kill him?" Just as she asked, her answer was given as the angered mutant came crashing towards them.

"Eh, more sort of annoyed him, I'd say." They all then ran away as quickly as they could.

Coming back down to the reception room, Martha felt completely taken aback. "What now? We've just gone round in a circle."

The Doctor then got the chamber's door open. "We can't lead him outside. Come on, get in."

Echo groaned at his plan. "Oh, joy."

They all then got into the sonic microfield manipulator chamber as the mutant stalked around outside. "Are we hiding?" Martha wondered with furrowed brow.

The Doctor shook his head. "No, he knows we're here. But this is his masterpiece. I'm betting he won't destroy it, not even to get at us."

"We're also trapped, my love."

He paused for only a second. "Well, yeah. That's a slight problem."

Martha gave him an incredulous look. "You mean you don't have a plan?"

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