Chapter 49: Fear Her

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"One friend in a storm is worth more than a thousand friends in sunshine."
-- Matshona Dhliwayo


Trish, Rose, Echo and the Doctor had all convened in the kitchen to talk through what they knew. After only seconds of their entry did the Time Lord grab a jar of marmalade off one of the counters and proceeded to eat the sugary substance with his fingers alone. Rose cleared her throat, catching his attention. Freezing, he saw Echo face-palming with hidden amusement, to which prompted him to put the jar down all together. "Those pictures, they're alive. She's drawing people and they end up in her pictures." Rose said to Trish; to whom was still struggling with the truth she could no longer deny.

"Ionic energy. Chloe's harnessing it to steal those kids and place them in some kind of holding world made up of ionic power." he proceeded to explain so Trish could be some what in the loop.

Rose couldn't stop thinking about the most concerning issue in her eyes. "And what about the dad from Hell in her wardrobe?"

Trish felt a familiar twinge of uncomfortable denial. "How many times do I have to tell you he's dead?" she rhetorically asked.

"Perhaps, if physical beings can be imprisoned, maybe her drawings be manifested as well." Echo elaborated.

Her Doctor nodded in consideration, "Chloe's read dad is dead, but not the one who visits her in her nightmares. They clearly seem very real. That's the dad she's drawn and he's a heartbeat away from crashing into this world." he said, great concern intensified within him as he focused on that issue in particular.

With a heart broken frown, Trish shook her head at her all too consuming thoughts and memories. "She always got the worst of it when he was alive." she sorrowfully admitted.

"But a young, human girl couldn't possibly harness that much power on her own. Her mind wouldn't be able to properly function if she tried on her own accord. So how is she doing it? Who, or what, is helping her?" Echo inquired, her curiosity skyrocketing. She always loved discovering new aspects of life. The mystery that accompanied their every investigation entertained her to the highest extent; it was like nothing she'd ever enjoyed before.

"Let's go find out." her lover said, then led them back up to the young girl's bedroom.

As they entered the room, they found the young girl sitting on her bed silently. When she saw who had arrived, she then gave the travelers the Vulcan salute. The Doctor gave her a pleased smile, "Nice one." he complimented. Taking the lead, he then knelt in front of her and gently placed his fingers on her temples. Only seconds passed before her eyes closed as she fell into a trance like sleep. Laying her down, he then sat beside her. "There we go. Now we can talk."

Echo watched them with a focused gaze, anticipating an interesting story. "I want Chloe. Wake her up. I want Chloe." the being in control demanded immediately.

"Who are you?" he then asked, remaining kind and careful.

But the being could only focus on its own insecurities and tormenting needs. "I want Chloe Webber." it stated again.

"What have you done to my little girl?" Trish demanded with fear induced tears stinging her eyes.

But they payed her no mind as the Doctor continued on his hunt for answers. "I'm speaking to you, the entity that is using this human child. I request parley in compliance with the Shadow Proclamation."

"I don't care about shadows or parleys." it answered back without skipping a beat.

The Doctor furrowed his brows, "So what do you care about?" he wondered curiously.

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