Chapter 66: Smith, Jones and Halifax

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Sybil stood by the vending machines in complete and utter shock. She didn't know how to take her newest and biggest discovery without acting out over it. She wanted to go on a punching rampage, or she could dance with jubilation. Pacing back and forth with racing thoughts, she tried to calm herself down the best she could. Before she had the chance, she was surprised by the Doctor's sudden appearance. "Are you okay?" he asked curiously, wanting to help where he could. 

Without hesitation or warning, the young woman moved faster than he could keep up with. Using her undeniable skills and strength, she grabbed him, shoved him into the nearest wall and pinned him in place. His eyes were wide with intense surprise like never before. "Before you begin to spew what you think I want to hear, I want you to listen carefully." she said with a dangerous calmness that could only mean trouble. "You are going to prove to me that you are actually right for my Echo. But if I find that you're just manipulating her for any reason at all, death with be a gift that I will not grant you. Got it?"

The Doctor nodded quickly. "Ask me anything and everything you want. I'm hers." he promised without hesitation. Echo was his everything and if he had to prove it, then there would be no argument or difficulty.

Nodding in acceptance, Sybil backed off with a serious, focused gaze. "Why her? Specifically."

He only thought for a second or two before giving his answer. "She's like me, in a strange way." As he thought further about his beloved, warmth spread throughout his entire system and a soft smile came into view. "She gets me. In ways no one ever has. Not even with my Gallifreyan wife before the war... Echo sees existence in ways I never thought possible. I need her. I always will." he rambled without meaning to. He eyes stared off at nothing as he pictured her beautiful face. The one face that could give him salvation from any hardship.

Sybil studied him completely as he spoke looking for any sign of a lie. But to her relief, she found nothing but genuine love and commitment. "You don't have to tell me, but... What happened? To your original family?" she gently asked, knowing full well how dangerous a question she had asked. She didn't trust him by any means. Therefore, her day would consist of nothing but figuring him out.

"That war I mentioned... no one made it. The whole planet. Two of the mightiest races in battle, wiped out in one second flat. I lost them. I lost them all." The Doctor then shook his head to dispel the dark thoughts and get back on track. A bit. "Echo's been helping me to see things in a different, less hateful way. After the war, I had the worst form of PTSD; hell, I almost ended up opting out. But because of her..... and Rose..... I didn't... I realized I didn't want to die, I just wanted all the pain to go away. Echo helped give me an even bigger reason to stay... She allowed me a place to belong. I already knew that nothing stays the same ever. But she's allowed for me to realize that it's okay. It's okay to hate. It's okay to want to give up. It's okay to say goodbye. As long as I have her to pull me back, I'll need nothing else..." He paused for a moment, then sighed. "Honestly? I don't know what I'd be without her."

It was an answer she understood, and it was obvious that the lovers had been together for quite a long time by that point. Though she didn't know any specifics, Sybil couldn't deny how kind he seemed to be. He gave off an effortless, subconscious aura of genuine and completely honest reliability. Perhaps he was right for Echo. But that didn't deter her from sticking to her surveillance. "Fine, I'll believe you for now. But if you ever bring her harm, you will never be heard from again. On any level." she promised wholeheartedly.

"Hello. Getting along, I hope. Hate to interrupt, but it seems that the uncharacteristic rain is now falling up." Echo suddenly said after having found her comrades. There was a long moment of pause as the tension in the air could be realized by the brunette woman. She had no idea what they had been talking about, but she could sense the odd feelings that surrounded them both. "Everything okay?" she asked with immense confusion.

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