Chapter 108: The Family of Blood

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"Is fate getting what you deserve, or deserving what you get?"
-- Jodi Picoult


"Doctor! Doctor!" Mister Clarke yelled thunderously as he stood beside the impossible, stolen Tardis in front of the school. Echo, Joan, Martha and John hid out behind some rather thick bushes and remained unnoticed.

"Out you come, Doctor. There's a good boy. Come to the Family." Baines shouted as well, the sinister smile ever present.

"Time to end this now!" Jenny added joyously.

As the group stared at the unnerving scene, Echo made sure to stay close but not touch John as they watched. She didn't want to force him into any physical contact now that he didn't particularly trust her anymore. "You recognize it, don't you?" Martha asked, hoping for him to say yes.

"I've never seen it before in my life." he answered with a horrified expression.

Echo sighed heavily, "I told you, Martha. The perception filter's too strong for him to regain all the memories and knowledge that comes with being a Time Lord. We need the watch to get that part of him back."

He looked at her with an unrecognizing devastated expression. "I'm not-- I'm John Smith. That's all I want to be. John Smith. With his life, his job, and his love... Why can't I be John Smith? Isn't he a good man?" he asked desperately.

"You're more than just a mere conventional man, John." Joan tried to reassure, but was almost immediately interrupted.

"Yes, of course you are, my love." Echo said sorrowfully.

"Why can't I stay?" he then asked of only her, tears threatening to be released.

"But we need the Doctor." Martha said with a longing look at the distant Tardis.

"Why can't I stay?" he then asked, more like pleaded, as his tears swelled and tried desperately to spill over all together. Joan listened and watched in slow understanding; never having expected such truths to be revealed before her very eyes. "What am I, then? Nothing. I'm just a story." He then quickly got to his feet and hurried away. With a heavy sigh, his lover and friend followed him. Joan then eventually followed after them as well.

When they paused for a breather on a country lane, Joan pointed to their left. "This way. I think I know somewhere we can hide."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Echo asked. "We should probably keep going."

Joan groaned, "Just listen to me for once. Now, follow me." then began running in the direction she'd specified.

"Fiiiine." Echo groaned as well, then had them all following after the nurse.

As they came to a dark and silent small cottage, they slowed to a stop. "Here we are. It should be empty. Oh, it's a long time since I've run that far." she said with heavy breathing. Echo thought of a snarky comment about her stamina and even her weight, but she thought it unnecessary and simply went for exploration of the small home instead.

Upon entry, they found it dark within and old tea laid out for pouring. "Hello?" Joan called hesitantly, then nodded sadly. "No one home. We should be safe here."

"Whose house is it, though?" Martha wondered aloud as they looked around curiously.

"Er, the Cartwrights'. That little girl at the school. She's Lucy Cartwright, or she's taken Lucy Cartwright's form. If she came home this afternoon and if the parents tried to stop their little girl, then they were vanished." Joan explained further, then felt the full teapot. "Stone cold. How easily I accept these ideas."

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