Chapter 45: Love and Monsters

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Stepping back onto the Tardis after their enjoyable outing, both the Doctor and Echo knew it was time to tell Rose of their newest discovery. As she was about to walk out of the console room to go to her room, the somber Time Lord stopped her. "Hey, Rose. We need to talk." he began hesitantly, unsure on how to properly tell her the truth.

The moment she stopped and waited for them to continue with curiosity, he looked to his love at a loss for words. She sighed and stepped forward. "The walls of dimension F97-6D have permanently closed, even to me. I'm so sorry, Rose... But... We can never travel there again. Nothing can get in or out." she said with sorrowful regret. "It's like a time lock, but different."

"Hang on. F97-6D? But that's--... That's Mickey's universe." she said in shock, not quite believing what she had been told. Though, seeing their saddened expressions, it became impossible for her to deny it. "He's trapped there? We're never going to see him again?" she asked, tears slowly forming in her glassy gaze. 

Without saying another word, Echo pulled her into a comforting embrace. "I'm so sorry, Rose. I tried everything I could. I really did." she promised, heart wrenching for her friend's pain. The blonde clung to her like a lost child would after finally being reunited with their parents. Seeing such a sight and hearing such distress had the Doctor feeling even worse than he already did. Therefore, he too hugged them with a frown. He knew with absolute certainty that if Echo couldn't do anything to remedy the situation then he most definitely couldn't either.


After giving Rose a few days to accept what was fact and recuperate from it, the Doctor decided to give them a brief distraction. They eventually found themselves at an abandoned warehouse trying to take care of a Hoix that had been causing a bit of trouble. "Where's he gone?" the Doctor asked as they were trying to pin it down.

"He's going West! Try going that way!" Echo quickly replied as she was busy mixing two buckets worth of specific chemical mixtures. The red bucket being for killing the Hoix and the blue was for cleaning up the mess.

It was at that point they heard it roar aggressively near by. The Doctor sprinted after it as Echo followed close behind with blaster in hand. Within seconds, he then came up behind it while holding in plain view a raw pork chop to lure it away from the blond man that stumbled upon them. "Here, boy. Eat the food. Come on, look at the lovely food. Isn't that nice?" he then looked at the wide eyed stranger. "Get out of here, quickly." He then looked back to the growling Hoix. "That's a boy. Wouldn't you like a porky-choppy? I said run!" he warned as he tried to buy a little more time for Rose to get there.

Just as the man turned to leave, the human girl in question came running with bucket in hand. When she threw its contents onto the viscious alien, it immediately became significantly more enraged. "Oop, wrong one. Now you've made it worse."

Rose looked at him incredulously. "You said blue!"

"I said not blue." That was when the Hoix ran after them with death on its mind. They ran through door after door as Rose went to retrieve the red bucket; to which prompted it to run from them instead of after them. When the Doctor came across the blond sir again, he stopped running to stand before him. "Hold on. Don't I know you?" Without saying a single word, the stranger ran away to leave the building all together.

Not long after the unusual occurrence with the Hoix being defeated, they were able to return to their Tardis to relax. Echo and her Doctor were in the console room building a rubber band ball while telling their best, or worst, dad jokes they knew of. "Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? Because if they flew over the bay, we'd call them bagels."

Echo couldn't help but chuckle. "I got one. I got one. What do you get when you combine a shark with a snowman? Frostbite."

Just then, Rose came storming in with outrage radiating from her like warmth from fire. "I need you to find someone for me. Now." she growled with nothing but anger.

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