Chapter 31: The Beginning

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"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even our troubles."
-- Charlie Chaplin


The Doctor had been working in the console room for over two hours, not having realized that time had passed him by at all. When Echo then walked in and saw him hard at work, she knew then what exactly she wanted to do with him. With an excited grin, she walked up to him and stood beside his work station. "So, what do you think about going on a date?" she asked as she played with one of his wrenches.

He nodded with an excited expression, completely forgetting about what he'd been doing in a matter of seconds. "Perfect idea! A date! I could take you to Felspoon to watch the mountains sway in the breeze. Or Apalapucia. Oh! Or we could go to Arcadia, or we could go to Esto with the telepathic plants!" he quickly began to ramble with tremendous joy. All he could focus on were ways to make his lover smile.

With a chuckle of fondness, she then shook her head and silenced him with a gentle kiss. "How about it be my treat. I was thinking I could show you something instead. Even if you've seen it before." she proposed with an excited twinkle to her eyes as well. "Oh, and we can't take the Tardis, so we'll be using my portal gun."

"Absolutely! I think that would be wonderful." he said happily and hopped to his feet in the same moment.

Echo then pulled out her portal gun and typed in the correct coordinates. "And off we go!" she announced with great joy fueling her actions and shot her ultimately advanced gun. Once the doorway had been opened, she took his hand and walked in with intense anticipation gnawing away at her patience.

Their surroundings were nothing but blank. No light, no dark. No sound, no silence. No up, nor down. Just nothing. "Where are we?" came his layered inquiry, great interest flooding his system instantaneously.

"This, my love, is my database. My dimension just between the void and reality itself. A place where absolutely everything exists in the same exact moment; to which cancels itself out far deeper than even the void. It's kind of like a Schrödinger type deal. Neither in existence no nonexistence." she explained, then began pushing buttons made out of pure light energy. "And this..." Just then, their surroundings rapidly shifted from nothing into something. " the birth of your reality." In ten to forty-three milliseconds slowed down and enhanced, they then saw a small bit of matter create itself. "This is the end of the Reign of Eternals. Beings of godly status transcending existence itself. The cosmos are currently going through a superfast inflation period. In real time, that matter expands from the size of only an atom to a grapefruit in only a fraction of a second." she said as she showed him exactly what was happening. "Post-inflation, the 'universe', if you will, is only a hot soup of nothing but electrons, quarks and other vital particles." She continued to press invisible buttons as she took him on his 'sight-seeing' adventure. "Rapid cooling then occurs, to which permits quarks to clump into protons and neutrons." They then watched as the particles and such began the butterfly effect for creating a somewhat stable environment for creation. The Doctor was flabbergasted at seeing such events in person, speechless even. "Being to hot for atoms to form, charged electrons and protons are still unable to emit light; seeing as everything is still a super-heated fog." They then sped through time so as to see creation advance in ways that were more so visible.

"Three hundred thousand years later, electrons combine with neutrons to form atoms; which allowed for hydrogen and helium to come about." Echo then typed on four more buttons. "One billion years on, gravity makes the hydrogen and helium gases coalesce to form giant clouds." Millions of colored gases surrounded them as they stared at the creation of Heaven itself. "These clouds will eventually form into the first galaxies. Those smaller cloud clusters you see will be the creators for the first stars of this universe." She then twitched her head slightly, "Fun fact; the cosmos contain approximately fifty billion galaxies, as well as between one hundred billion and one trillion stars in any single and normal galaxy."

Even though he was somewhat aware of what was happening, her Doctor enjoyed hearing her intelligent explanations and randomized thoughts. It became obvious long ago that one of her favorite pass times was to watch realities grow and evolve into something more than it once was. "Fifteen billion years or so on, galaxies cluster together under their powerful gravity fields. The first stars then die off, spewing their super heavy elements into space. Them dying then allows for new stars and planets to form."

Echo then sped past a couple trillion years and came upon the end of time. The constantly expanding universe couldn't combat the collective inward pull of gravity. "This universe will die in a big crunch, kind of like the Big Bang you saw first in reverse. It evolves into a state of no thermodynamic free energy. To which will, therefore, be unable to sustain processes that increase entropy." They then, moment by moment watched as the universe of dimension A176 died into nothing. Their surroundings returned to nonexistence as the void leaked back in to make room for newer universes to be created.


After the couple returned to the Tardis, the Doctor's mind was still teaming with thoughts on what he had been allowed to witness. "Where were we? That place we were able to see everything. The realm between." he asked as they sat down in the kitchen to enjoy some tea.

"Oh, nowhere. Literally. It's the realm I made to escape all other dimensions I've come across. I call it the 'Echoverse'." she admitted without care. She trusted him enough to even be in the 'Echoverse' by himself if he wanted. "It's kind of like being in virtual reality, but it's a bit more, ya know... real." she added, then sipped at her drink. "It's actually the realm I created immediately after making the Skasis Paradigm."

Just then, an idea came to his mind. "Our next date is mine. How do you feel about putting the Tardis on randomize?"

Echo couldn't help but laugh at such a silly concept. "One. The Tardis is her own being. Treat her as such. Two. Isn't letting you drive already 'putting it on randomize'?" When he gave her a mock glare, she couldn't stop herself from laughing even harder. "Okay, okay, fine." she acquiesced. Echo then got to her feet, put her mug in the sink, and walked over to give him a hug from behind. "I can't wait to see what we have in store for us." she whispered almost seductively. With that and a gentle kiss on his cheek, she then sauntered out of the room; the Doctor following close behind.

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