Chapter 102: Human Nature

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I'd never ever felt this way until you had to say goodbye.
A feeling of loss so intense, it's like I might actually die.
I can't eat.
I can't sleep.
Your face is all that I see.
My chest feels so tight that sometimes I can't even breathe.
For it's not like you've just moved from one town to the next.
Where you've gone I cannot follow,
Unless I take drastic steps.

Just carrying on as normal feels like I'm saying I don't care.
But I don't know what else to do...
My God, this isn't fair!
I'm told I need to get through this.
That things get easier in time.
But it's the worse feeling I've ever known.
To be the one left behind...

-- Westley Nash


Coming back to herself, Echo put her pencil down and got to her feet. It was that time again. Time to spy on John Smith as well as to catch up with Martha and her fellow housemaid Jenny.

Upon exiting her classroom and heading for the main hall, the genius brunette heard talking. Wanting to hear more before interrupting, she stayed out of sight to commence her eavesdropping plan. "You there. What's your name again?"

"Martha, sir. Martha Jones." came her polite response.

"Tell me then, Jones. With hands like those, how can you tell when something's clean?" the student mockingly said with an all too consuming arrogance.

"Nope." Echo immediately walked into view with a dangerous glare and purpose in her every step. "How dare you treat another person in such a deplorable manner, never mind their social status. I am beyond appalled by the two of you. You will apologize to them at once." As she reprimanded them, Jeremy Baines looked to the floor submissively.

Hutchinson, however, decided to arrogantly push his luck. "Yeah? Well, the shade of her skin is hurting my eyes."

"And your voice is hurting mine. So, shut up with the unnecessary and do as you're told." she shot back without skipping a beat.

With a relentless surge of shame towards disturbing the greatly attractive teacher, they both hesitantly looked at the awaiting women on the floor. "Please accept our sincerest apologies for what had been said." he complied reluctantly.

Echo nodded once, though her displeasure was still very much alive and was on full display. "Good. Now, if you know what's good for you, you'll be on your way and complete your required duties." They immediately walked away with their tails between their legs, so to speak. Once the boys had gone, she then knelt down to the pleased women's level. "Let me know if anything else happens and I'll effectively take care of it." Giving them a reassuring wink, she stood straight and walked up the stairs to check in on John Smith. When she had gotten to the upper corridor, she found him carrying a large stack of books. "Good morning, Mister Smith." she greeted casually, hiding her complete infatuation flawlessly.

Not having expected to hear her uniquely tranquil voice, John jumped mildly and accidently dropped a few books on the floor in the process. Not caring in the slightest, he immediately turned and involuntarily smiled wide upon discovering her presence; only being able to see her beauty. "Hello, Miss Halifax. I hope your day is going well." he greeted as his heart picked up its pace.

Her reciprocated smile grew at his obvious excitement and nervousness before she quickly retrieved his fallen novels before he could make a move. "It is indeed. Tell you what, though. I'm going to help you with your books. You seem like you could use another set of hands." she offered before she took half the books he was carrying.

"Oh, brilliant idea. Brilliant. Perfect. Division of labor." he couldn't help but ramble, feeling intensely timid over the possibility of scaring her off and out of his life.

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