Chapter 141: Planet of the Ood

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The Tardis rocked back and forth as they flew through the time vortex. That was until Echo and her beloved stopped and parked them. "Set the controls to random. Mystery tour. Outside that door could be any planet, anywhere, any when in the whole wide univ-- Are you all right?" he said happily, until noticing her hesitation.

"Terrified. I mean, history's one thing; but an alien planet?" Donna said with overwhelming but positive apprehension.

He smiled in understanding as Echo shrugged playfully. "Oh, if it's too much, we could always take you home. All the way back to normal, boring, human, Earth life." she said with feigned seriousness.

Donna chuckled. "Don't get so excited. I'm not going anywhere but with you. Don't laugh at me."

"We know what it's like." the Doctor commented. "Everything you're feeling right now. The fear, the joy, the wonder. We get that." he said honestly and a massive smile.

She lit up almost instantly. "Seriously? After all this time?"

"Oh, yeah. Why do you think we keep going?" he shot back just as joyously.

"All right then. This is barmy! I was born in Chiswick. I've only ever had package holidays. Now I'm here. This is so-- I mean, it's-- I don't know, it's all sort of-- I don't even know what the word is!" She then ran towards the doors and dashed outside.

Echo chuckled at the show of joyful excitement being given. "Oh, how I love her so." she beamed with pride in their choice of companion.

"I am right here, you know." the Doctor reminded as he helped her put her hoodie on.

"Yes, but it's Donna. Come on now!" Then, with not a second's worth of hesitation, they both excited the magnificent Tardis and into a frozen world full of possibilities.

"Oh, I've got the word. Freezing." Donna concluded as she stood in the painfully cold environment wearing nothing but a tang-top like shirt and jeans.

Both Echo and her Doctor had large smiles in place, however. "Snow! Oh, real snow. Proper snow at last. That's more like it. Lovely. What do you think?"

"Oh, I think it's absolutely brilliant, my love. Snow holds so many wonders never thought possible. Just think of water memory!" Echo said as she enjoyed the cold flakes falling down onto her face. (Fun Fact: Water Memory is the purported ability of water to retain a memory of substances previously dissolved in it even after an arbitrary number of serial dilutions. It has even been claimed to be a mechanism by which homeopathic remedies work, even when they are diluted to the point that no molecule of the original substance remains.)

"Look at that view!" he went on as they both felt preoccupied when it came to their spit-fire companion.

Donna shivered violently as she looked out upon massive icicles hanging from bridges of rock over vast ravines. "Yep. Beautiful, cold view."

Without noticing when the red-head disappeared back into the Tardis, the Doctor continued with his ramblings. "Millions of people, millions of galaxies, and we're on this one. Molto bene. Bellissima, says Donna." As he spoke, Echo gave him a knowing look of focus and complete adoration. "Born in Chiswick. All you've got is a life of work and sleep, and telly and rent and tax and takeaway dinners; all birthdays and Christmases and two week holiday a year, and then you end up here. Donna Noble, citizen of the Earth, standing on a different planet. How about that, Donna?" It was then that he noticed her absence and Echo listening intently. "Donna?"

She then came out, all bundled up in a big fur coat with a cozy hood. "Sorry, you were saying?"

Echo laughed happily, "Quite the coat, dear. Very stylish."

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