Chapter 55: Army of Ghosts

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"So. Seeing as you are now under our arrest, you might as well tell us your secrets. How did you build the sphere?" Yvonne practically demanded.

Echo tilted her head with a bored expression. "Not going to happen, deadhead." she answered without hesitation.

Before the blonde had the chance to retort, they suddenly heard Rajesh's voice over the computer. "Yvonne? I think you should see this. We've got a visitor. We don't know who she is, but funnily enough, she arrived at the same time as the Doctor and Echo." he informed matter-of-factly.

Turning her laptop so they could see the scientist standing beside the real Rose, Yvonne gave them a look of expectance. "She one of yours?" she inquired, already having a plan in order.

"Never seen her before in my life." the Doctor then said without skipping a beat.

She nodded. "Good. Then we can have her shot."

Echo glared at her blatant disregard for life. "How truly pathetic. You know what? I should--"

But before she could begin another fight, her Doctor placed his hand over her mouth and took control. "That's the actual Rose Tyler. Sorry. Worth a try." he quickly clarified as he then took her hand in his own.

As Rose waved hesitantly, Yvonne looked at Jackie with immense confusion "Well, if that's Rose Tyler, then who's she?"

"I'm her mother." Jackie then answered with her own hatred for the woman on full display.

The blonde businesswoman raised her eyebrows at the unexpected information. "Oh, you travel with her mother?" she asked, taken aback.

"He kidnapped me." the out-of-place mother corrected, not wanting to have been there in the first place.

Cringing severely, the Doctor couldn't help but set the record straight. "Please, when Torchwood comes to write my complete history, don't tell people I traveled through time and space with her mother." Seeing her offended expression from his request, he then shrugged. "I've got reputations to uphold."

Unexpectedly, the particle engines began their activation sequence. "Excuse me? Everyone? I thought I said stop. Who started the program? I ordered you to stop! Who's doing that?" Yvonne then watched in complete befuddlement as a few of them continued working like mindless drones. "Right, step away from the monitors everyone." But she received not even an acknowledgment that she'd spoken at all. "Gareth, Addy, stop what you're doing, right now. Matt, step away from your desk. That's an order! Stop the levers! Andrew!" Just then did another scientist try and force stop one of the levers.

"What's she doing?" the Doctor asked as he approached Adeola to inspect her.

"Addy, step away from the desk. Listen to me. Step away from the desk." Yvonne demanded again as genuine fear began to slowly enter her system for the first time.

Echo shook her head as she instantly recognized the working woman's ear pods. "She can't hear you. They're overriding the whole system. I guess we're going into Ghost Shift after all." she muttered as she tried to fight back on an unoccupied computer near by.

"It's the earpieces. It's controlling them. We've seen this strategy before. How's it going on your end, love?" the Doctor informed.

With a shake of her head, Echo then growled with frustration and punched the monitor to the floor. "Every time I get a step closer, it changes its tactics. I won't have enough time before it reaches a hundred." she practically growled.

He then immediately pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at Adeola's ear pieces. "I'm so sorry." The moment his sonic activated, the room was filled with the agonized screams of Adeola, Matt, and Gareth. In seconds, they then collapsed dead. Something that alarmed the humans around them greatly.

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