Chapter 152: The Poison Sky

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Both women peeked out of the Tardis doors silently, not surprised when they found a single Sontaran facing away from them standing guard. After slowly closing the doors again, Donna took the phone off speaker so as to avoid making noise as she talked to the Doctor as well. "Okay, only one. What I want you to do is simple. There's an opening, a sort of plug, a hole on their collar. That's the Probic vent. One smack on there will knock them out." she explained to the nervous woman.

Donna nodded and took a deep breath, "Okay, I can do this." she muttered mainly to herself.

"Yes, you can, Donna. You've got this." she heard the Doctor say through the phone.

After gathering her courage, the nervous woman crept out of the Tardis with mallet in hand. Keeping herself from hesitating, she swiftly gave the Sontaran a hefty whack on the vent. In response, they fell to the hard floor like a sack of potatoes. With growing confidence, Donna spun around with a massive smile at Echo, she spoke to the Doctor happily. "Back of the neck."

"Good. Now, you two have got to find the external junction feed to the teleport." he then said. "It looks like a circular panel on the wall. There'll be a big symbol on the front like a, like a letter T with a horizontal line through it. Or two F's back to back."

She nodded and relayed the information back to Echo. "We're looking for the external junction feed to the teleport."

"Got it." the beautiful brunette nodded as they came to a closed door with a three-fingered switch beside it. Without delay, she then placed her hand on the switch and opened the door. "Just made it through the first door, love." she muttered quietly into the phone.

"Oh, you are so beautifully brilliant, the both of you." he said supportively. "Got to go. Keep the line open."

As the call ended, Donna lowered the phone and looked at the focused Echo. "So, what is it like? Being so smart, I mean."

She shrugged. "There's pros and cons, as is with everything." she said casually, knowing the statement to be true.

"I can't think of any negatives to being like you." Donna then said without thinking too hard.

Echo chuckled and nodded. "I get that. When you're as "smart" or aware as I am, then you're like a genuine goddess. You can do what ever you want, be whatever you want. You can make any gadget to complete any task or desire. You're untouchable." She then stopped and looked her deep in the eyes. "But you're also alone. No one gets your jokes. Your work is never over. People hate you for always being right and proving their stupidity in the most inarguable ways, because being wrong is wrong. Your expectations become impossibly high and unattainable. Boredom is overwhelming, any form of authority becomes personally offensive, and being able to socialize genuinely becomes repulsive. And, if your lucky, your sense of moral care disappears because of all the fighting you've had to endure your whole life. Happiness becomes elusive and you lose track on where to find it..." She then shook her head and had them continue on their way. "With all the good comes a hell of a lot of bad." she then muttered darkly, thinking of only her deceased family.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." Donna said, genuinely feeling sorrow for her.

Echo shrugged and smiled at her again. "There's nothing for you to be sorry for."


Meanwhile, the Doctor had just freed the real Martha Jones in the clone laboratory within the ATMOS factory. Clone Martha had just fallen to the floor after real Martha was released. The Time Lord was busy fixing the nearby teleport in preparation for when his girls fixed the connection above. When Martha approached her clone, it immediately cringed away from her presence. "Don't touch me!"

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