Chapter 51: Army of Ghosts

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Both the Doctor and his Echo had been enjoying as much time together, lots of times with Rose, as was possible. Though, no matter where they found themselves, their unreasonable fear of potential danger catching them only grew. During the silent times, when it was just the lovers enjoying each other's presence, it became impossible to ignore the feeling. Once they were aware, it seemed as though time was mocking them. The terrible tick tock of that insufferable clock always continued its endless march without delay. 

So, when the blonde wanted to go home and check in with her mother, there was nothing about the visit that could deter them. It was a place associated with safety and comfort. After their Tardis had materialized in a corner of the children's playground near the correct building. Rose had her heavy rucksack full of used clothes to wash. "Mum, it's us! We're back!" the blonde announced as they entered the small home.

"Oh, I don't know why you bother with that phone. You never use it." Jackie said with a massive grin, quickly pulling her daughter into an affectionate  embrace. "Oh, I love you!" they both said. The Doctor then tried to sneak his way pass them to avoid the greatly enthused Jackie attack. When she saw him, however, she immediately grabbed him as well. "Oh, you lovely big fella! You magnificent alien man." she said joyously.

Echo leaned against the wall with an immensely amused fondness for the young woman. "Don't I get some love, too? I'm feeling a bit neglected." she joked, almost as happy as the ecstatic mother.

Jackie then pulled her into a hug as well. Though, what she didn't realize was just how much the brunette truly needed the simple affections only a mother could provide. For her, it had been literal centuries. As a result, she basked in the love and made sure to give the memories a special place in her mind palace so she'd never forget.

Once they all convened in the sitting room, Rose handed her mother the heavy rucksack so she could retrieve the gift she'd gotten. "I've got loads of washing for you, and I got you this." She then held into view a small, ornate, metal nick-nack. "It's from this market on an asteroid bazaar Echo knew of. It's made of... er-- What's it called?"

"Bazoolium." the Doctor answered as Echo showed him a hologram of a snowy planet near the Andromeda galaxy; a place she very much wanted to show them once they left the flat.

Rose then turned back to her mother as the couple spoke quietly. "When it gets cold, yeah, it means it's going to rain. When it's hot, it's going to be sunny. You can use it to tell the weather." she explained further, wanting to insight her interest. Unaware of what they had missed, they were unknowingly getting closer to the massive shift in life they'd been waiting for.

"I've got a surprise for you and all." Jackie then said with eager excitement radiating from her more than ever.

Rose couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Oh, I get her bazoolium, she doesn't even say thanks." she said with mild, feigned annoyance.

But Jackie couldn't care less. "Guess who's coming to visit? You're just in time. He'll be here at ten past. Who do you think it is? Go on guess." she gleefully said.

"I'm not going to guess. Just tell me." her daughter said, wanting her to get to the point. Who would be visiting to cause her so much jubilation.

She looked as though she were about to explode from the news. "It's your granddad. Granddad Prentice. He's on his way any minute. Right, cup of tea!"

As Jackie hurried into the kitchen, Rose watched her with wide, horror-stricken eyes. "She's gone mad." she told her best mates with genuine concern and even fear.

"Tell me something new." the Doctor mused with a slight smirk, not quite picking up on why Rose was so disturbed.

The worried blonde quickly shook her head. "Granddad Prentice, that's her dad. But he died, like, ten years ago. Oh, my God. She's lost it." Sharing a disturbed look, they all followed the presumably mad woman into the kitchen. "Mum? What did you just say about Granddad?"

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