Chapter 58: Doomsday

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As the Daleks moved the Genesis Ark through the building and into the warehouse, both the Torchwood security and Cybermen open fired.  As the battle ensued, the Doctor decided to grab the magna-clamps while no one was paying attention to them specifically. "Override roof mechanism." Dalek Sec said as the Time Lord reunited with the group.

Once the roof had opened, the Daleks began to elevate with the Ark. "What're they doing? Why do they need to get outside?" Rose asked with worry and wide, surprised eyes.

The Doctor furrowed his brow, "Time Lord science. What Time Lord science? What is it?" he wondered aloud as he watched them with concerned curiosity.

"Whelp. Let's find out." Echo said, took her lover's hand into her own, then began sprinting on the path that led them back up to Yvonne's office and the lever room.


After arriving at the correct location, everyone immediately looked out one of the windows to see what the Daleks were up to. Only moments later did they see the Genesis Ark open.

From within immerged countless Daleks in all directions as it spun in mid-air. "Time Lord science." the Doctor muttered with understanding horror. "It's bigger on the inside."

Echo groaned, "Of course; it just had to be a prison ship. I expect nothing less." she grumbled, not in the mood to take down another planet's worth of inadequate pepper shakers.

"How many?" Rose practically whispered as she stared at the terrifying sight.

"Millions." the equally alarmed Doctor answered.

The Daleks were spreading out over London as the Cybermen clomping their way through the streets stopped and open fired at the enemies in the air. Pete shook his head and walked away. "I'm sorry, but you've had it. This world's going to crash and burn. There's nothing we can do. We're going home." He then grabbed a yellow medallion from one of his commando comrades. He then walked closer to his wife. "Jacks, take this. You're coming with us."

She looked at him with taken aback confusion. "But they're destroying the city."

Pete shook his head, "I'd forgotten you could argue. It's not just London; it's the whole world. But there's another world just waiting for you. And it'll be safe as long as the Doctor and Echo close the breach. Isn't that right, Doctor?"

The Time Lord in question then turned around with his 3D spectacles in place. "Oh we're ready. We've got the equipment we need right here. Thank you, Torchwood." he said, then ran over to one of the computer terminals nearest to him. "Slam it down and close off both universes' connection."

"Reboot systems." the computer said after being fiddled with.

Rose stepped forward. "But we can't just leave." she said incredulously. "What about the Daleks? And the Cybermen?"

"They're part of the problem, which makes them part of the solution. Oh yes!" He than paused for a brief moment. "Well? Isn't anyone going to ask what is it with the glasses? Echo figured it out."

Rose's smile returned. "What is it with the glasses?"

His confidence in their ability to win the becoming war gave everyone the necessary faith to act rationally under the crushing pressure they all experienced. "I can see, that's what. We've got two separate worlds. But between those worlds, we've got the Void. That's where the Daleks were hiding. The Cybermen also traveled through the Void to get here. And you lot, one world to another, via the Void. Oh, I like that. 'Via the Void'. Here, look."

What Rose saw through the impossibly cheap spectacles were lots of indescribable specks gravitating around all those who've had contact with the negative space. "What is it?"

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