Chapter 122: The Sound of Drums

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Echo and her Doctor led the way as they followed the directions her watch would give them. They were all headed for surveillance on the Master. "Don't run, don't shout. Just keep your voice down. Draw attention to yourself and the spell is broken. Just keep to the shadows." he advised their two friends walking behind them.

"Like ghosts." Jack confirmed with a nod of understanding.

"Exactly. Ghosts. Nothing but whispers in the wind." Echo replied as they moved around the few other pedestrians they came across, preventing them from colliding.

When they arrived at the correct landing strip of an airport, the travelers watched as the Master was met by the president of the United States of America. Just before they began talking, Echo handed out a single hearing aid like devices to each of them. Once turned on, they were then able to hear every word that was spoken. "Mister President, sir." the Master greeted with a mock salute.

The American politician was incredibly put out and not afraid to show it. "Mister Saxon, the British Army will stand down. From now on, UNIT has control of this operation."

"You make it sound like it's an invasion." he replied with an amused chuckle.

President Winters felt intense agitation from seeing his carefree attitude. "First Contact policy was decided by the Security Council in 1968, and you've just gone and ignored it."

The Master shrugged. "Well, you know what it's like. New job, all that paperwork. I think it's down the back of the settee. I did have a quick look. I found a pen, a sweet, a bus ticket and, er, have you met the wife?"

With his playfulness came justified infuriation. "Mister Saxon, I'm not sure what your game is. But there are provisions at the United Nations to have you removed from office unless you are very, very careful. Is that understood?" The mad Time Lord then pretended to lock his lips childishly. "Are you taking this seriously? To business. We've accessed your files on these Toclafane. First Contact cannot take place on any sovereign soil. To that purpose, the aircraft carrier Valiant is en route. The rendezvous will take place there at eight a.m." When the scheming Prime Minister spoke with his "locked" lips closed, the president glared deeper. "You are trying my patience, sir." he warned angrilly.

 He unlocked his lips. "So, America is completely in charge?"

"Since Britain elected an ass, yes. I'll see you onboard the Valiant." Wanting the interaction to be over as soon as possible, he turned away and went to go back with his bodyguards close by.

The Master, however, wasn't entirely done yet. "It still will be televised, won't it. Because I promised, and the whole world is now watching."

"Since it's too late to pull out, the world will be watching. Me." and with that, Winters went on his way.

Once the American was out of ear shot, the Master chuckled with dark amusement at the show of supposed authority. "The last president of America." he muttered to his temporary wife. "We have a private plane ready and waiting. We should reach the Valiant within the hour. My darling." After she had left with her security guards, a police van arrived. He excitedly ran over to the stopped vehicle as Clive and Francine were bundled out. "Ha ha ha! Hi, guys!" he exclaimed with excited enjoyment.

As the deranged man taunted them, Echo noticed Martha's horrified and over all shocked expression. "Oh, my God." she muttered quietly.

Without hesitation, the alert brunette grabbed her hand in case she had to hold her back. "Don't move." she whispered seriously.

Martha gave them a pained expression before looking back to her virtually imprisoned parents. "But the--"

"Don't." the Doctor stated firmly as he kept his eyes on the scene before them.

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