Chapter 77: Searching

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After having walked back into the Tardis, the Doctor almost immediately received a message on his psychic paper. Upon viewing, he found precise coordinates directing him where to go. Without hesitation did he run around the console, purpose in his every movement.  "Where are we going now?" Martha asked, hoping it was the place their Echo would be. But, to be honest, she mainly wanted to ask about the Echo they'd visited. How could it be possible to have multiple Echos in existence?

"I don't know, but I know it's connected." he answered quickly. Little did they know, they'd be getting closer to success than they could've ever imagined. The Doctor then looked under the console and suddenly froze. He felt as if his mind had stopped as built up sorrow came rushing in.

Martha noticed his change in demeanor the moment it happened. "Doctor? Are you alright?" she asked cautiously, not wanting to startle him.

He simply stared; before standing straight with Echo's portal gun in hand. "It's--... It's her portal gun... She must have left it when we--..." He then cut himself off without meaning to.

Feeling the strongest of urges to comfort him, she then walked to his side with complete empathy. "We'll get her back. You know that." she reassured firmly, confident in her resolve. She couldn't allow the pain she saw to continue.

The Doctor finally met her gaze, then nodded with a deep breath. "Yes. Yes we will." He then landed the Tardis with only a few other buttons. "Let's go find out who wants to see us." he said level-headedly and walked to the awaiting doors, putting the portal gun into his pocket for when they were reunited. Martha watched him for a moment, a frown of understanding in place.

As they walked outside, they came face to face with a group of Echos; all dressed in similar soldier uniforms. "The Council of Echos will see you now." one of them informed, then gestured with their advanced rifle to follow.

Martha looked around with wide eyes, drinking in as much of her surroundings as possible. All around them were different versions of Echo in an extraordinary, futuristic civilization. Some of the few others that weren't Echo were those that accompanied her. "A city of Echos?" she asked in shock, her mind spinning.

The Doctor, too, was looking around with impressed fascination. "I'm assuming this is the Citadel of Echos. It's the place all the different Echos from all the different realities came to in order to hide from all others that want to steal their secrets." he elaborated cautiously, knowing not to trust a single one.

"But if all Echos hate everything, why would they hate ours?" she asked nervously, immensely worried for their version of the impossible woman.

He knew what he wanted to say. Echos hate themselves the most, and their Echo was the most herself. The Echoest Echo of them all. Of course they'd hate her. But that wasn't for Martha to know. That was when one of their guards snorted mockingly. "Doesn't really matter. The rogue has been neutralized. About time, frankly." she said without care.

The Doctor looked at her with outrage clear on his face. "What?" he demanded darkly.

But the others simply broke out into carefree laughter. "Ha ha! Echo's dead! Ha ha ha!" they then all cheered. Martha felt sick to her stomach at their blatant disregard. The Doctor was filled with limitless fury, confident his Echo was still alive. The only one that could ever have a hope of killing her is her. He just wished he could be there for her to help properly. She was fine. She had to be.



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