Chapter 148: The Sontaran Stratagem

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Before they went searching, Echo and her Doctor decided to get more information on the device. "So, this ATMOS thing. Where'd it come from?" he questioned of Colonel Mace.

The man in question explained all they knew without hesitation. "Luke Rattigan himself. Child genius. Invented the Fountain Six search engine when he was twelve years old. Millionaire overnight. Now runs the Rattigan Academy. A private school, educating students handpicked from all over the world." It was very clear how much respect he had for the child prodigy.

The Doctor nodded in consideration. "A hothouse for geniuses? Wouldn't mind going there. Echo so loves to prove those type of people wrong."

The proud woman in question immediately nodded in complete agreement. "Of course. Genius isn't genius without an audience, and an audience isn't complete without a good heckler." Such a comment made her love give her an amused kiss on her forehead.

Not long after, both travelers were led to the vehicle area to commandeer a ride. "You're not coming with us. I want to talk to this Luke Rattigan, not point a gun at him. Can't really do anything to stop Echo, but that's neither here nor there." he informed firmly.

"It's ten miles outside London. How are you going to get there?" the Colonel inquired, wanting very badly to have them accompanied by a trained protector.

"I could use a portal gun. But where's the fun in that? I say we take a jeep." the beautiful brunette said without bother.

Mace's frown deepened. "According to the records, you travel by Tardis."

The Time Lord rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but if there's a danger of hostile aliens, I think it's best to keep a super-duper time machine away from the front lines." he said as if talking to a young child that didn't know any better.

"Ah, I see. Then you do have weapons of your own, but you choose to keep them hidden." Mace then looked to a nearby soldier. "Jenkins. You will accompany the Doctor and Miss Echo and take orders from them."

The Doctor couldn't help but cringe internally. "Yeah, I don't do orders."

"And the Tardis is no mere weapon. She is a goddess with infinite mite." Echo added without delay.

But the Colonel ignored them. "Any sign of trouble, get Jenkins to declare a Code Red. And good luck, to the both of you." complete with a salute.

"I said no salutes."

It took everything in him not to scoff. "Now you're giving orders." then walked away to attend to other important duties that needed completing.

"Oh, you're getting a bit cheeky, you are." Just then, Donna came up to them with purpose in her every step. "Oh, just in time. Come on, come on, we're going to the country. Fresh air and geniuses, what more could you ask?" he said excitedly, trying to lead her over to the appointed vehicle.

Before a single step could be taken, she made them pause. "Actually, I'm not coming with you." This sentence instantly made him give her a puzzled expression. "I've been thinking. I'm sorry, but I'm going home."

He instantly froze as dread washed over him completely. "Really?"

She nodded. "I've got to."

Echo, knowing the true meaning behind her words, smiled in understanding and acceptance. "Alrighty. Be safe, have fun."

Giving his love a perplexed look of near offence by her lack of sorrow. "If that's what you want. I mean, it's a bit soon." Echo did her best to stay composed as she saw the misunderstanding that had occurred. "I had so many places I wanted to take you. The Fifteenth Broken Moon of the Medusa Cascade, the Lightening Coral Reefs of Kataa Flo Ko." he tried to entice. Then shifted gears, not wanting to coerce her in a direction she didn't want. "Thank you, Donna Noble. It's been brilliant. You've, you've saved our life in so many ways. You're-- you're just popping home for a visit, that's what you mean." The penny had finally dropped.

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now