Chapter 02: New Earth

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When Rose finally walked into Ward 26, the Doctor quickly pulled her towards some of the patients they had been observing. "There you are. Come and look at this patient. Marconi's Disease. Should take years to recover. Two days. I've never seen anything like it."

"I have, several times. I bet it's a cell washing cascade. It may even work on a molecular level." their puzzling woman spoke up as she spoke her thoughts. Though it threw them both off, they continued with their investigation.

"It's amazing. Their medical science is way advanced. And this one." he spoke excitedly as he practically bounced around the room. They stopped at a man who was as white as his bed gown. "Pallidome Pancrosis. Kills you in ten minutes, and he's fine. I need to find a terminal. I've got to see how they do this. Because if they've got the best medicine in the world, then why is it such a secret?"

The brunette nodded, "You'd think they'd be spreading it as far as possible. Only way to make a proper profit. I should know. I once patented a cure and got billions of blemflarks just because I didn't have enough to churros one day." she commented.

"I can't Adam and Eve it." Rose said in a strange voice, making the brunette look at her with heavy suspicion on her face. Immediately did she notice the obvious change in body language, clothing details and voice tone. It was as if she was a completely different person in the same body.

"What's, what's, what's with the voice?" the Doctor asked in confusion, not picking up on all the subtle cues that tipped their new ally off to something weird.

"Oh, I don't know. Just larking about. New Earth, new me." she said in the same strange voice as she held herself completely differently than how she normally would.

"Well, I can talk. New new Doctor." he joked with a silly grin.

"Mmm, aren't you just." she mused with a sly smirk. She then grabbed the Doctor and kissed him long and hard. Her fingers ran through his hair as she tried to deepen the kiss, but he was practically frozen in shock. The brunette watched them in equal surprise, completely taken off guard, uncomfortable, confused and over all suspicious of what was happening to the blonde. When she finally pulled away from him, 'Rose' smirked a little at her. "Terminal's this way. Phew." she breathed out and walked away towards the terminal.

"Well, then. That was obviously not Rose." the Doctor heard from beside him. He knew full well that she was correct. Rose would never have acted in such a way. But what had happened to her, they didn't know yet. He nodded in agreement and followed after the blonde.

At the terminal by the lift, they looked through the hospital information for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. "Nothing odd. Surgery, post-op, nano-dentistry, OB-GYN." the brunette listed off as she looked them over with lightening speed.

"No sign of a shop. They should have a shop." the Doctor complained, his eyes scanning the screen almost as fast.

'Rose' then shook her head, "No, it's missing something else. When I was downstairs, those Nurse Cat Nuns were talking about Intensive Care. Where is it?"

"You're right. Well done." he complimented.

"Why would they hide a whole department? It's got to be there somewhere. Search the sub-frame." she ordered, making the brunette woman arched her brows.

"What if the sub-frame's locked?" she asked, testing the woman. If she knew what to look for, then she was most definitely not Rose.

"Try the installation protocol." she ordered again, making her and the Doctor look at each other. Their suspicions having been confirmed.

"Yeah. Of course. Sorry. Hold on." he said as he pulled out his sonic screwdriver on the interface. Moments later the whole wall slid down to reveal a dim corridor. "Intensive Care. Certainly looks intensive." he said with another look towards the mysterious woman behind them. What they didn't notice was that they were being watched by Novice Hame from around the corner.

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