Chapter 101: Human Nature

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OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am SO excited to finally be able to work on this episode!!!!!!! I hope I do it justice as well as it deserves. Enjoy! 😀

This shouldn't have worked for so many reasons. But for a little while; for this excellent moment in time; it did work, didn't it? And I feel human. Alive. But you were right. A secret breaks things down. It's like bile; dark, corrosive. It's a long story, and most of it's unbelievable. It's time you knew the truth... now that I have nothing left to lose. When I'm gone, I at least want you to know what I was; what you are to me. Nothing else matters. Not anymore.

The Doctor, Martha and Echo all sprinted into the Tardis followed by a blast of deadly green energy. "Get down!" he yelled before slamming the doors shut with a loud Bang! He then immediately went to his girls. "Did they see you? Either of you? Did they see your faces?"

Echo shook her head. "No, and I made sure they didn't see her either." she confirmed with confidence.

"Good. Off we go!" They both then swiftly got their Tardis in motion. Their hope, however, shattered when they felt a jolt and saw the scanner. "Argh! They're following us."

Martha felt extremely taken aback by the unexpected news. "How can they do that? You've got a time machine."

"Clearly they've got stolen tech. Probably a Time Agent's vortex manipulator." Echo said with a grimace as she pulled a lever.

The Doctor then had an expression of realization. "They can follow us wherever we go. Right across the universe. They're never going to stop. Unless... I'll have to do it." He met her gaze with a new sense of determination. "Martha, you trust me, don't you?"

She furrowed her brow in confusion by the question. "Of course I do."

He then turned to the working Echo. "Should I even ask?"

Her smirk came out to play as she kept her eyes on the console. "You're so silly, love. The answer is obvious."

He nodded, "Good, because it all depends on you two."

Martha's confusion increased, not sure how exactly she should feel. "What does? What are we supposed to do?" She knew for certain that she trusted him with her very life. She just hoped to be of proper help.

Unexpectedly and much to Echo's horror, he held into view an ornately decorated pocket watch. "Take this watch, because my life depends on it. This watch, Martha. This watch is--"

Opening her eyes, Echo sighed heavily as she realized that she'd been woken up once again by a knock on her door. She groaned loudly and shoved her face into her pillow defiantly. Moments later, Martha came in with her breakfast on a tray and wearing a maid's outfit. "Come on, Echo. You know you have a schedule." she reminded with an amused smile. From the beginning, it had become her job to get the childish woman up in time for class.

"I am going to find the person that invented schedules and slaughter them with a spoon." she grumbled with great annoyance in her every word. Though, against her wants, Echo got out of bed anyway. "How's it going for you, Martha? Any harassments or issues I can help with?"

Feeling immense gratitude, the human woman shook her head. "Nothing I can't handle. Do you have everything you need for today?"

Echo shrugged carelessly. "I have a general plan. Though, I usually just wing it. Been working out alright so far."

Martha shook her head with a widening smile. "Good luck with that. I'll see you later today." She then left the room to allow her to get ready for the day.

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