Chapter 59: The Runaway Bride

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"No one escapes pain, fear, and suffering. Yet from pain can come wisdom, from fear can come courage, from suffering can come strength-- if we have the virtue of resilience."
-- Eric Greitens


Losing a friend or loved one can be hard for anyone. It may even be the most difficult experience to endure. They understood what had happened, but trying to comprehend the 'why' was an impossible task. Rose was one of those friends who would always be on your side no matter the situation. Their memories could only place certain moments of that fateful day into a confusing sequence that made only a bit of sense. Much like that of a movie, they saw everything in that hopeless sort of slow motion; as if to slow down reality before that emotionally crushing occurrence. Losing someone was nothing new to the pensive travelers. The pain of it, however, was something they'd never be able to get used to. It felt like being ripped apart and not in perfect halves, either. It felt like the Void itself was eating away at them; even when they weren't aware of it. They say you don't get to choose who you're related to, but you do get to choose who your family is. Rose may be gone, but she'd always be near and dear to their hearts.

Echo and her Doctor sat in the console room with suffocating silence being their new companion. They couldn't think of a single word to say as they drowned in their thoughts. So, instead of leaning into the despair, she looked up at her beloved with a bit of an idea for an improvised plan for adventure. "I love you." she vowed with all her heart.

He gave her a small smile. "I love you more." he answered softly, then gave her a slow kiss. It was a moment of understanding and tender love; a moment they memorized and would cherish forever.

After they parted, Echo couldn't and wouldn't let her affection she had for him to go ignored. So, she decided to bring him even a moment's worth of peace. "How about we go throw some stuff into a black hole? Get a proper distraction." she suggested kindly.

His grateful smile grew. "That's perfect. I have stuff." he answered playfully. She knew just how to help him and this time was no different. They both then got to their feet to pilot their magnificent ship to the nearest black hole. But before they could finish, they suddenly noticed a red-headed bride appear without warning. "What?" he asked with baffled, disturbed shock.

The bride then noticed them as well, becoming just as surprised as the lonesome adventurers. "Who are you?" she inquired aggressively, untrustingly.

"But-- What?" he asked again. Echo, stared at the ginger suspiciously and with hand on blaster. She was in no state of mind for getting involved with another fight so soon. Though, she also wouldn't mind letting her anger and grief out on someone that truly deserved her limitless wrath.

"Where am I? What the hell is this place?" the strange woman demanded again.

The Doctor stared at  her incredulously. "You can't do that. We're in flight. That is, that is physically impossible! How did--"

"Tell me where I am. I demand you tell me right now where I am." she said fiercely. It was then that Echo scanned her completely with her watch. "What was that? What did you just do?"

"Don't worry about it." she answered without a single fuck to give. She then began to read the necessary information they'd need to know first. "You're inside the Tardis, but the way."

Hearing the brunette's obvious apathy, the red haired bride became all the more outraged. "The what?"

"The Tardis." the Doctor replied, his mind racing along with his calculated movements around the console.

"The what?" she demanded again.

"You are in the Tardis. T.A.R.D.I.S. Tardis. Fuck sake." Echo answered with growing annoyance for her lack of understanding.

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