Chapter 133: Partners in Crime

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A/N: And so it begins...

"Did not." Echo said with mild annoyance as both she and her beloved walked into the Tardis.

"Did to." the Doctor replied with her own irritation on full display.

"Did not!" She then went straight to the console and began their departure.

"Did to and you know it!" he shot back without a second's delay.

Fed up with the entire situation, she instantly turned to look at him. "You know what? I don't care! I got shit done and survived in the process. Some things went wrong, yes; but that's what makes it an adventure and not a third grade field trip."

But he wouldn't budge on his disapproving stance. "You almost got killed, Echo."

She scoffed with a roll of her eyes. "Danger is my bread and death is my butter. If I want to incite a battle between two neighboring enemies so that I can steal their shit, then I'm damn well sure gonna." refusing to back down or be acquiescent as well.

His frown deepened. "Not if it could be the cause for your death." he answered evenly, his own annoyance building.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she chose to lessen her stubborn responses and see it from his point of view. "Fine! It was a fuck up. Happy? But in my defense, I was left relatively unsupervised while amongst priceless objects at every turn."

As she continued to work the controls, the displeased Time Lord inquired further. "Why do you even need to steal their stuff? It would have been easier to just get in and get out empty-handed so we didn't have to barely escape with our lives. All for glorified spark plugs?"

"If you're good at something, never to it for free. Those engine pieces are my reward." She then showed him the scanner. "On a completely unrelated note, I found something that most definitely needs looking into." she tempted slyly, knowing how to use his curiosity to her advantage. With a heavy sigh, he allowed her to continue while he gathered his thoughts. "I got a text from one of my contacts just before leaving Gidu. Apparently, a new company on Earth is selling this weird weight loss pill. 'Adipose Industries' is its name. They say the fat just walks away. The strangest part is, it actually walks away." she explained.

He stared at the screen for a long moment, then ultimately gave in after reading the more detailed description on the scanner. "I think you're right. It does seems a bit suspicious." distracted by all the possibilities that surrounded the potential mischief they could get into. When he noticed her knowing and beguiling expression, he groaned in defeat. "Fiiine. But you have to promise to behave this time." he said seriously.

"Whatever do you mean? You mistake me for some sort of scoundrel. I am a respected member of the community. To even insinuate such behavior is nothing short of blasphemous." she said in a feigned truthful manner. "Now, should I build my pipe bomb before or after our arrival?"

 "Now, should I build my pipe bomb before or after our arrival?"

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